Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (2024)


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Jelled Fruit Candy -- Low Sweetener is a candy made with Pomona’s Pectin. Pomona's Pectin contains no sugar or preservatives and jells reliably with low amounts of any sweetener. See below for where to buy.


Store candies in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will keep for about a week or possibly a little longer.


  • This recipe uses the ingredients listed on the recipe sheet that comes with the pectin in the section for Cooked Jam Jelly – Low Sugar or Honey.
  • If you are making fruit candy from mashed fruit find the jam recipe for that fruit.
  • If you are making fruit candy from juice find the jelly recipe for that fruit.
  • Double the amount of pectin in the recipe. All of the other ingredients in the recipe stay the same.
  • To effectively disperse 6 to 8 teaspoons of pectin we recommend a minimum of 1 cup of sugar or honey. Follow the recipe for maximum amounts of sugar or honey.


  • Prepare fruit or juice. Note: this could include boiling down the fruit or juice - to some degree - to concentrate the flavor.

  • Measure mashed fruit or juice or somewhat boiled down fruit or juice into sauce pan.

  • Add calcium water and lemon or lime juice (if called for in the recipe) and mix well.

  • Measure sugar or room temperature honey into a bowl. Thoroughly mix correct amount of pectin powder into sweetener. Set aside.

  • Bring fruit mixture to a full boil. Add pectin-sweetener mixture, stirring vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes to dissolve the pectin while the mixture comes back up to a boil. Once the mixture returns to a full boil, remove it from the heat.

  • Put the mixture in a shallow pan. Allow it to cool then chill in the refrigerator until firm. When the mixture is firm, cut into pieces and coat the pieces in a 50/50 mixture of powdered sugar and cornstarch to take away the sticky feel.

38 Responses

  1. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (2)

    | Reply

    Can I substitute granulated xylitol for some or all of the sugar? Thank you so much for the recipe!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (3)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      You can sure try it!

  2. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (4)

    | Reply

    Can I use a jam to make jelly rings? If so, what ratio of jam to pectin/calcium should I use?

  3. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (5)

    | Reply

    Newbie question, but if I am doubling the pectin do I also need to double the calcium water? I am just making some regular tart cherry gummies before getting more adventurous with some less desirable but more nutritious recipes!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (6)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Yes! You will double each of the ingredients accordingly.

      • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (7)

        | Reply

        on the recipe card above it says all of the other ingredients stay the same amount. I just tried to make some gummies and i doubled the calcium and it didn’t firm up enough. not sure if this was it or something else but i’m going to try without doubling the calcium and see if it sets.

  4. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (8)

    Can i use crofers seedless raspberry spread with spme of your pectin to make pate de fruit? If so, how much pectin should i add? Thanks in advance for your help

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (9)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Deborah,

      We have never tried it, but you could sure give it a go! You will have to make a liquid pectin with Pomona’s. Those directions can be found here.

  5. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (10)
    Kathleen porpaczy

    | Reply

    I’m hoping to make the following:
    Pâtes de fruits, French fruit jellies. Raspberry or passion fruit … naturally gluten-free vegan sweets! They recipe calls for yellow pectin. Would your pectin work in place of it.
    10g/3 and 3/4 level teaspoons yellow pectin

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (11)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Kathleen,

      We are not familiar with yellow pectin. This is a great recipe for using Pomona’s Pectin though!

  6. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (12)

    | Reply

    I am interested in making a tart cherry gelled fruit candy with no added sugar for my 23 month old. The tart cherry is supposed to improve melatonin levels and aid sleep naturally. Is it possible to make the candy without any added sugar (like just using pureed tart cherries). I might be willing to add a small amount of honey if it is not possible. Just trying to keep added sugars out of my child’s diet as much as I can. Thanks!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (13)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Shannon,

      Great questions! For best results we would recommend using some sweetener, honey is a wonderful option. To effectively disperse 6 to 8 teaspoons of pectin for this recipe, we recommend a minimum of 1 cup of honey or your pectin will likely clump adding an unpleasant texture to your gummies.

  7. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (14)
    Joanna keeton

    | Reply

    Does anyone know if I can add CBD OIL to this recipe? I would like to try if anyone has any suggestions for this please. I am thinking it might be a good idea for me. Any thoughts? Thank you all ~

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (15)

      | Reply

      You would want to add an emulsifier (lecithin is typically used), that will keep your product from separating (into a big mess). You might be able to get away without an emulsifier if you blend it REALLY well. But with such a high cost ingredient it doesn’t make sense to risk it. The appropriate amount of emulsifier will not alter the flavor (or be detectable at all to the taste) and I’m not aware of any health risks, warnings or concerns associated with plant-based lecithin.

      I would also highly recommend using a blender to mix the CBD oil, emulsifier and pectin. Adapt the instructions given with the yogurt recipe (last one in the list).

      I also suggest you consider using 2.5 times the pectin (instead of double). That is more of a personal preference because these are too ‘loose’ IMHO. It depends on what you’re looking for in your final product. You need to add more pectin and perhaps gelatin if you want a typical, chewy gummy.
      And again, since you’re adding such a high cost ingredient it seems more prudent to use a bit more pectin to ensure that you don’t end up with a bunch of extra thick & sticky jam/jelly instead of an actual gummy—a piece of candy you can pick up and eat without having to wash your hands afterwards!

      If you stick with the double pectin, you might consider tossing them in granulated sugar (or xylitol) and perhaps a bit of granulated citric acid (depending on the fruit you use & your personal taste for sweet&sour candy) mixed with cornstarch instead of powdered sugar to deal with the stickiness. My results with the original recipe were a bit lackluster, especially the powdered sugar/cornstarch coating after a day in the fridge., Who knows? Perhaps there was some other cause or factors involved—”user error”…?! LOL

      Good luck!

  8. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (16)

    | Reply

    Can I use this to make cannabis candy?

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (17)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Dassi, We do not have a developed recipe, but we have heard from several customers that have made them successfully.

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (18)

      | Reply

      Here’s a good looking recipe for mango cannabis gummies, using Pomona’s:

  9. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (19)
    kathy laskowski

    | Reply

    I have an abundant amount of kiwis and would like to know if anyone has ever tried to make kiwi flavored gummy candy. I see a recipe for kiwi raspberry lime jam but was wondering what the measurements would be if I used just kiwis.

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (20)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Kathy,

      Great question! For plain Kiwi Jam you will need 2 3/4 pounds ripe kiwis, 1 1/2 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons calcium water and 2 teaspoons Pomona’s Pectin…that will be the base for you to create your gummy recipe off of.


  10. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (21)
    Lisa Miller

    | Reply

    I found Pomona’s while searching for a pectin I could use. I’m violently allergic to all corn products and the standard pectins are packed with them. You may consider testing to see if the jellies can be coated with arrowroot or tapioca flour. The confectioner’s sugar would have to be home-ground in a blender, too, as store-bought contains cornstarch-I discovered that the hard way. If I have enough juice to make Blackberry Jellies, I’ll report back.

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (22)

      | Reply

      There are some brands of powdered sugar being made without corn starch.
      For example, Wholesome Organic Fair Trade Powdered Confectioners Sugar and Trader Joe’s brand use Tapioca.

  11. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (23)

    | Reply

    Hiya, can I make coffee flavored gumdrops or square shaped jujubes with it?

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (24)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      It certainly should work, thought we have never given it a go ourselves! Let us know if you give it a try.

  12. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (25)

    | Reply

    I would like to make Turmeric gummy candies. do you have a recipe for this?
    thank You

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (26)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Judy,

      We do not have turmeric gummy recipe, but you can absolutely add some turmeric to this Jelled Fruit Candy recipe.

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (27)

      | Reply

      Consider using fresh turmeric roots, perhaps in combination with the ginger marmalade recipe or as a substitute for the ginger in that recipe. Fresh turmeric is becoming more & more available even outside large metropolitan areas. I saw it at Harris Teeter in rural North Carolina around the holidays several years ago. It is almost always in stock at Asian/international grocery stores in the Washington DC area.

      You might also consider substituting lemongrass for the lemon peel if that is available to you; or ginger instead of the lemon peel if you are substituting turmeric root for ginger root (these two make a stellar combination)!

      If you do not or can not use fresh turmeric roots, you would really almost certainly want to use some other ingredient/recipe as a base. I really do not think that you would get satisfactory results with just water and ground (dried & powdered) turmeric and sugar (plus pectin & calcium of course), but I could be mistaken!

  13. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (28)

    | Reply

    Hi – I’m interested in making jelled wine candy. Do you have any suggestions for that? Thanks!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (29)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Meghan,
      Thanks so much for reaching out to us here at Pomona’s! We do not have any experience making jelled wine candy. We do have recipes for both White Wine Jelly and Red Wine Jelly that you can absolutely use to create these Jelled Fruit Candies. If you decide to give it a try, let us know how it goes!

      Happy jamming!

  14. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (30)
    Cheryl Pugh

    | Reply

    Have you ever made Prickly Pear Cactus Juice candies using your recipe? I tried a different recipe (not Pomona’s) and it called for applesauce but the candy never jelled firm enough for candy.
    Second questions is does the 50/50 powdered sugar and cornstarch offer a yummy flavor for the candy? Just worried about the cornstarch part of the equation.

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (31)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Cheryl,
      Thanks so much for choosing Pomona’s! We have not made the jelled fruit candy using Prickly Pear Cactus juice before, but it sounds delicious! The 50/50 powdered sugar and cornstarch mixture adds just a touch of additional sweetness, and the cornstarch is virtually tasteless.

      Let us know if you give the Prickly Pear Cactus candy a try, we would love to hear how it turns out!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (32)

      | Reply

      The sugar cornstarch mixture is functional (not for the taste), it is intended to mitigate the stickiness of the product.

      I did not find it to be an adequate solution. With prickly pears I would recommend you use granulated sugar with granulated citric acid (4:1 ratio) instead of powdered sugar with the cornstarch, and perhaps ditch the cornstarch and use tapioca or arrowroot starch instead.

      I also increase the pectin to get a firmer, chewier product; more like a typical gummy that you’re familiar with.

  15. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (33)

    | Reply

    Is it possible to make kombucha gummies? Cooking the kombucha would be defeating the purpose of the benefits. Any tips?

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (34)
      Shelby Collings

      | Reply

      Hello Lyn,

      We have never tried using kombucha in our gummy recipe, but would love to hear how it goes if you decide to give it a try!


  16. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (35)

    | Reply

    What is the consistency of these candies? Gummy bears, orange slices, or Turkish Delight?


    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (36)
      Mary Lou Sumberg

      | Reply

      Hi Kelley,
      Jelled Fruit Candy made according to our recipe with Pomona’s is well jelled, but not as chewy as gummy bears, orange slices, or Turkish Delight.

      If you try the recipe, be sure to also do the coating as described in Step 6.

      I hope this helps, and thanks for your interest in Pomona’s Pectin.

  17. Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (37)
    Daniel Fuchs

    | Reply

    I’m interested in making jellied fruit candies with Tamarind puree. Would I follow the proportions for jam? If so, would it be the same proportions as the other sour fruits?

    Also, it says to double the pectin in the recipe. Does the calcium water also have to be doubled? Thank you for your assistance!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (38)
      Mary Lou Sumberg

      | Reply

      Dear Daniel,
      To make jelled fruit candy with tamarind puree, we suggest that you follow the recipe for Cooked Strawberry Jam – Low Sugar or Honey. You do double the pectin; you do not double the calcium water.

      We haven’t made this recipe with tamarind puree before; it is possible that tamarind puree is thinner and has less pulp than mashed strawberries so you might need more pectin than strawberry. If the puree is thin, you might want to add an additional 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of pectin and see how that jells. It might take some experimenting.

      We would love to know how it turns out. And thanks for using Pomona’s Pectin!

    • Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (39)

      | Reply

      Tamarind is a MUCH more intensely flavorful, and tart/sour fruit than strawberries!

      I would suggest instead to use the passion fruit (lilikoi) recipe as the starting point.

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Jelled Fruit Gummy Candy -- Low Sweetener | Pate des fruits (2024)


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