The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


HOUSES AND IARTJ FOB SALE, l.taiNUlON, CLUSH TO bTATJUN. UAUOaHT HOUSES AND IAHD FOB SALE. HAPPY the man, and bappv be alone. He who can call his bouac bia owa lie who, secure within, can say, "(lo, landlords, thy won4, For I've do nut to pay." Ant this la the aong which many men are gall singing wise men who selected their borne i.tea RICHARD'S EASY TERMS. and are now delights of Joying the full benefit and HOMES OF THEIR OWN.

WHY MOT YOUt Just come and consult us, and we'll chow yoei whete to select a "comfy" home site, ami the money hitherto wasted in rent will go iow paying it off, but with this big difference-that each pavtm-nt brings you Dearer to toe goal of POSSESSION. DON'T DELAY. ARTHUR RICHARD AND are offering splendid cbancea for the wagearnar I lADEIt FIELD. "Sydney's Eden," on the Mtpero estate of Dobrtiyd I'oiuu la wi uu ih tht Excellent Terra Itena r.atate, nne iiuiue auw, tATIHMELD, On tlie rharmtng Boulevard Esta i ca vn mt iRim saa iwrp foot. LIDCU.M1IK.

Gieat chances 'for Investor -m Ham Park, splendid DUilUing mea, ou a 140 per foot. CLYDE. Fine Home Sites on the lovely wmgiawn Estate, from 80 per loot Longvlew Estate, lota mt im feet, from fio per iooij anu on me ravtw 60 132 feet, from ltl0 per foot. ARTHUR BICKARD AND call vour attention aim to the splendid eancea tn tlie suburbs of the east, as hereunder: once niv iin tlta h.itifiil Knmnala n'urhia Yii delightful home aitea, from per foot. Vendors will assist to Din in.

iccpiiyments very may. WO LL A Hit A. Glorious Riles on the bourne Bcllevue tun l--iil. (mm Ml tn P.HIItl iwr loot. BOStll.itiffht at the baMUl brscb of Hondl, In lie namesake suuuru; giorioioe casiua iota, irom im; KENSINGTON.

Select, Superb. Ideal home sltea In tier mot. modem, attractive fuouro, ciosa to ueaaws, uom xi per ioou ARTHUR RICK Ail AND would also like you to Inspect the fine estate an Iti Itnnkatown I. inn. Her art a few: LAKEMBA.

Elysium Imitate, charming location, home sites, no ia" ivei, irom zoo per ioou PUNCHBOWL. Punchbowl Lawn Estate, lovely kits, BAN KSTOWN. -lieslthy sites on New Km Estate, 80 in teei, irom lao per loot; ann uittage uiocsn on utile urovt instate, iw icvt, irom And everything on RICKARD'9 EASY TERMS: 1 Deposit and 10 Monthly for every 2S of purchase valued INCREASED TRAM AND TRAIN FARES. Oil, dear, that makca the wage-earner'a MraRgle to live harder uud bitter still. Give it up.

Do. Leave the struggling throng of city toilers and commence your life afresh on a RICHARD FAttMLET, WITH A RIGHT to 'do as you and chance of independence in the future. Eii.r. -jiihSK tiULUEN CHANCES: t-lianningly situated on the heights, 16 miles Irom Sydney, miles from Parramatta, and 6 minutes' muih ncmworuiviiic. Mien soil, tunable lor Furinlcla nf I in ll oon TOONGA Bill E.

One miie from Wcntwortbvillt, on flourishing Toonaabbie Pork Eatat pliauuint aurroundings. Most desirable for Mixed running, rouitry, urcnarus, etc. City water supply and all other conveniences. Fumiet of 1 to 11 cri. frntn Jin til wm QLACKTOWN.

Flourishing Flushcomba Farmleta, of -i. 1 lT' 40 per acre; also Rungarribee Farms, of 111 to 13 acres, onlr more rare chance left for those a DiocKs, each 1 acre, for 09 each; aud George'a Kf ametM' a to 0, acres, at 1010 to 1815 aer sera. Ilnriuaiii VUVUUVI ii. uu ircvnacre rara luuiie. our glorious Raby Acres fttate, 6 Pictiireo.ue and proBUbl.

farmlau, trom 5 to 10 from 7 to 11 per atre" lb. k-ni in i uanlenlng, etc. umai'' Haute-lj tcfe lor BICRARD-S EAST TERHS: Depoait and 10 Monthly for mrj 15 of purcluu. value. AitTnun RICKARD and RKA1.TV SPEnALISIS.

SIB I'lrTSTUEET. hjJOUEUN MOSMAN. On. i iiinreet, ISO iki una to (lie On. (, JO? VooL "1 ARTHUR RICKARD and tod, Realty Specuiliata, SBipiER im-otta-6-fS5: KB BICCping-OUt 1 garden.

ion cuh verandah, 'very Uua ApplyWJfER, Box tt3, O.P.O. ItenUU 120 PJU Owner' will 'accept SrS lIHUNTeTELL BANrTRRMAW. 78A Pltt-rtme. niiiu.meni, in luu-Dear cSttnje, within a minute, from Railway Buttons an erallSnt tSSSJUSf "TSVSTii IenM Wu'red tza r-ltt-strert. JJRONTt-A Pair of Brlck-on-etone Cottairea, an conreniencea.

nun, nam. food l.ivcatlncnt. Torrena. lft'A HEE TUIH, iiHUi. I MO MAHflKKMAJl, 72A Pitt-atreet TJEF.CROKT.-A Brick Cottip, til.

1 rooma. launnry. Dam, gu end fuel elovea, linen-prawea, aide, baek, and front lawn, fowl- hnnne: a convenient min. ai.tlnn -r. SNAP.

ten. BHUKTNKLL, andJlANNPFAN, 2U0 fruit trees, summer fruits. 2 year. old. du BHUNTNKLL and BANNKRJIAN, TitA pjtt.atreet nwj TIIOSK DESIRING TO ACOU1RE A A DHUQIITFIIL FAMILY RKSIDENCK, WITIi A LARGE AREA Ok" LAND, in tint splendid residential miburb, LtlNflUEVILLE.

near tram and within easy reach of North wood Perry ft moma leacn is 11 ft), maid, and offices. I. I. niir.A.1 rilll.n a.171111. LAND NEARLY SKVKN ACRES.

tvvib mrnHp Lawn. Fruit Trees. Flowee and VMwbM. A lanre nortion eould wtlrl tn ui rmnenre. The residence alone ia worth the money, but th.

owner ilcalrea a QUICK SALE. w. iuimk. City Km. ABTIFIEI.n, with wide verandah sll round, aide entrance, eerri.ire ent.

tnd front entrance, flower nrdrn, fruit trees, all rooma beautifully naneiwi. wiJi. lliZ' down. cont. drywlnitroom, best bedroom, Kcond untrooni, uinre aining-mom taMut 11 12 ft), kit.

chen, 2 atcrerooma, pantry, wsahhoua, (fl-ee) turn and copper), a-lana-end. back tubd. nm for lot) buatihouee, etc, at low cost, In Ml. order Crda. RICHARDSON and WRENCH.

Au.7ti? or A. w. TAYLOR, lflo Cathedrals. Sydney. rtREMORNE, near BRICK HOtlgw, yj room, sd omrea, ns atove snd heater, sufficient lend for prase.

For quick sale, Cl (tm drooait). HA11D1B snd BLOOHFIELD, Cltv. MA Plttreet. KATOOUua. mock Lend, 400 I 280, TtnientaL nesr railway atatlon.

Rnnrsin, 11(1. RRCTNAI.L and LOON BY. HI A "ARE C11ANCE. Brand "New Attractive' V7 fi aet tuba and copper, verandah back and front, eity wster ind Und IM, Torrena.

N.w (ft fences, 1-mile Qranville aution, near MhooL Price, 150. Cash 20, bjlsnce as rent BOX 1175. o.p.Q, SHOP laveatment, Surry Hills, price ntirl elec. lleht; rent 120 p.s., Torrena. 8tsnley sod8edewiek, 2, top Wllllamt, Dlmrtt.

rpiEnRACE PROPERTY. lloiiue, 4 brick. rents 140, price aiim. msniey and Sedgwick, 2 (top) Wm.t. D'hurat BlIRWOrm.

Attractive "D.Prnrlck fotiaite, nnd all ioiiva.i land 45 155, 1000. Caah or terms. H. E. Vauirtian and Son, 142

o. Cottaw lanre Mock City riSI. GARDEN. 114A PltttrM. Dwiiiun, a minuie.

nation LAKEMBA. Lot 54. N'Oonrt at, 50 1607525 ftTliit 55, niarr-rd, 150, fli Lot 50, Oornella at ymj.r. iiiiinm-ai, Aalinem. nr.

nation, sHarm am, eiav, an eaav, em. aux Uff imnoaite 1'uUic ouuwl iLman. MKmixiuiwei'. i iiT sriitt-r, sy IISKY cun- wsr? suriuiiir by rnl' i Catuc. Rckidcnce, per- 7 ncBU-uriii' WBWiUS dimwioic Slid.

Ll llllUlld. liibl urw.i".'-'"",", nun. Ht iuul Uuudry bull! SLZli end JXmTuff 7i.l IrouUll. by lu.ll dp, iSTTiile. 3 milium' walk Inim train.

I'rite Cott.ce. contain. Hill. 4 ClriSTkiiSS. and ll tudry.

CtoaTei Price. UWn. kit train mi ThJ i. heal Ides hiiL-lMiii. scullery, mwl lnuu rir Si altar, free verandah and Uli-onlea.

bick or nice. 32i). ff: i nnninlnw. It miL. Tureen kitchen gin id Uaodry, Una ow iroi -itirhour views.

Torrens Title. 'rice, TliJj r.iiiam Rctddence, gusranieea isii ihlully talM dimnir-room. 4 bedrooms, in tnvi anil ron' kit. Imin This Colt sac is up to date in every res Hi. oio-t cninforta and ipcct, 1.1 mi tir, iwt.

Tomm Till. H.w IflVfffl. now. bill! about 1 iniminw mini Sum of a Iradinv architect. contain.

aiiHr- lurar trcei.tinn hall. ilwwInB-romn. -Mil I wait, btrill-n sdeinani, Kl(fit rfMin, bedrooms, lanre venrndnh I- I walla vlcwa i.Hd m.t In wril-ffP itwnt by -bout 250 Trie. 3230. Torreiu.

nnv avt flppfKnT! ri'nrfr vonfAV. YlWIi niy OTJSTOXECnAFT, NORTH SYDNKY. nioicE nriPENTtAL srms, Fronting; n.FMiNO RTnnirr, iuittnNiAxritv.v:r. Mir.lMVAVKNUK, intiitcrc psn. A.

icw by Hail Turn. Fiftci'ii MiniilM frm Circutitr Qi7-Watpr, (In, mid SpwiTJfff. Mo'lcmttt niiitdliiir Covpnant WnnwitHin and I'luiw at fltilcc. Til LB. LONU TERIOL J.

D. THOMSON, llnvnl.rttamnen, 8 CwllereaKb-atreet. Tbnnf. City a I. FAMILY HI.S IIWSUK, Brirk on Blone, swie nunt i Wwoms, kitclirn.

olhurs, 'luud 7u 20, acre, O0, B0XDI. MOPKRN rOTTAfiR. OCEAN VTKW, built Dnra mi bum-, mi- fflc-a, luti.Iy nam. lund V) Itt, nnly Jt.H7f.t icrrna. I'ltli'lTY' LI'ITLli UOTrAOK, dnuHc til- ft.iiuliAil nrfhitrl tnaV M- amiii'p, b.ill', rikh! roonia, gua atovc.

bath, liumlry, eic, orum view, liumly liiiin. Land. SI Toir. terms. (vlifcAr.

FOWLER and C. 87 flondi-mnd. Hflndl. Offlrtf open till SjL Ol'P. Ponkivil-atrt-tft tram atop, rUIATSWOOD.

SlIPKltlOU BUNQALOW. (1UT1MIVO HIIKK Bl'NnAIX)W COT TAGE, contff. srt lull, drawing and dining roomi, oak' mmINI. tMilioimt. rlc.

Dcau- tifulk linifilicd. Willi all lutott ideiia for comfort and convenience. brttkcjisi-s, wimlnw Heats, rqs on, Clioicc position, frontintr Dfauclianip nrK, anu intrro.itim uy iiihii i'jjm prupmy. Ms mind, ibtinn. One of Ihrrr Nw Coltmica now mmpleting.

piik'u tnirio, -ikkms akiianckd. Eitllltcil In Mcuolsun-Htroct full Ulakutdrv-iitroct. CbUuood Owner, KAPirvTlA, Ponhnrt Willoughby, opp. It. T.

Fonyth. 'ATEU-FUONTAUlii, OATLKY POINT and CORNELL'S POINT. Ptep Water Frontnspa, ahanutty the boat on wHfcc 'cr, uou iMi Pint uy ioug ucpliia. Drive to i aspect, UONKVF1ELD and Tbana, t6 Kogarah. TTTOLLSl ILLSTONKCRAFT.

HI. An Attractive DUNOAT)W for SALL Fully Furnished, Boonui, Kitchen, and Offices, llarbour View. Cloae to Itnilway Station. Or Without Furniture 2250. appointment to inspect.

Apply iS3, nerald Office. U1T uAIA'" witauk, 3 Uteben, bathroom, and laundry, aitunted near and take, popular centre. I'lUCB 475, depoait V. B. CILtS.

Tram Tcrminuiv Kambom. JfONA VAUi-nnnocfaiKNT cottaok. a room, and convenience: atao 10 feet venml.h nn tantidea. commanding unaurpaaicd viett large line inrreiu. WE I UOBNTAI.VS.

For tarj. air; bertroimu. 'exlra Innr. iil lrlnd. oppo' 1' for T)ADDIGmv.

-'Jf." nrar lrllnrilmr.t.--rtrlrk IToitiw. 6 Tery mtt lUbling areonimortatlon. land salt to Ulcumuro. aliee. Uilid 125 I OIVnniM Itm mi Mf si?" Pyreoluln fMinelloJ ttnta new deugn, ana Uirouglioul with xu.

"d' 6 monn 8nd jecuon ISZi Lupton, Eiuilcni-avonuc. 111., Inve-llnet, 2 Dct. Colli. ramleu Iree ol Intereat ut and Aii Iw.

to Sfali" Ku) Hi. City ui T. iroiQ I'EACH (crosa over ll.ilw.iy Brldav). rKrK 70 I'itt-atreet, Bytlney. Cottage, near allXlv i I'KnioW-atT will mat.

C. F. LAMB, i aire-. uii riiT-nircot, opn. O.P r.r, inlry.

,0. A Oivnnr i 'or Kile, mi Ei'trnri. ri.rl""" w.a rottac, mm. A' "5JT.MW kn uirila to view riica.reei, "Lrw sir-, I'lit-aireet. A i Ha! Hunter'' 11 ll, jplrini mis timvtW r.

Elvii in iiunier-fli, Tirhrir. niviiie. UTl. 8.1 C-IOTiloiT WAim0OXflAI aern.T,,r.i-,i.V.-.. --1 i.t.ii.

leieilinno. IHOM ItnTtW, Trorun.fiiv: i i "T' V7iTW-K reipptnam 121 1. "crn. wl.i. lertii.

.12014. "li Inr 1 He l7r JS1 SfSf T. 01 x.v.z., o.p.o. HOUSES ASH LAKD FOB BALE. IA A.

TURTLE AND AMw Real 1lUl Agents and Propwiy tiALtOMr.f, St. George's Hall, Ulngntrcet, M.W10WN. TeL. UlSo. TeL, L12S0.

INSPECT AT ONCE. ERSKINEVILLK, JJ lleposit, 15 Week. W.B. COT-TAtiE, 8 rooiits, kilUwu, all luuvs, Torri-'iis. aiXiU.

ROCKDALE. 30 and 20 per week, Detached CUl AUK, tloMt to st nuoi ariu anupa, rouius, and all coins, LaiaJ 50 a lu), Pri-v, iuO. A bursal n. MARItK'KVILLE, 50 80 per week. Pair W.B.

liut ar-. cucn rooms, uuncn. auu c*nts. Frcdiuld Title. (ANJ.

NEWTOWN, 5U per of Solid Brick ton AU return p.a. line ior- AJH.ML CAMl'EIIIHm N-CITY. Urge Solid Brk. RFJilllENCK, 7 rooms, kltclivn, large yam, una uu a bu, spacioua roum for stabling actytitiiniatiun, Priie, 125. NEWIOWN.

To Close Estate. Brick COTTAGE, 8 elc. let at I. vk. Piicc.

il'-'JO. ST. PETERS. Brick 1101 4 ryiiis, kitchiii, bath, tove, tuus, c. GENUINE INVESTMENTS.

NEWTOWN, Near Bridge. TERRACE BRICK COT-TAtilJi (Modern), returning 312 pt.r aimum. Torreni. Price, HU. rARLINOrON.

Pair Stone COTTAGES, returning 574 per annum. Turrens. Price, ino. NEWTOWN. Terrace 4 HUUSKS, in gwl onler.

returning 17010 iter annum, Torrcns. Price, Pair of Brick HOUSES, also pair Brlek rcig. annum, iaseiiuiu, vtiir to run. I'l-V) the lot.

Burgiiln. ST. PETERS. Pair Brick Ol'iTAGIM, retunilng iter annum. Title Torrcns.

Price, 5u. A Burimln MARRICK VILLE. 8 Pairs Mndirn Brick COTTAGES, let ut per ween, returns tin per annum, larc vmlii. Torrena. Price.

CT50 ner imir. 1 CITY. Brlek SHOP and nlso BRICK HOUSE, returning -Eiaoiu per aninum. Title T.rrcr.a. Price.

MO0. STANMORK. 1 Pair Brick IIOCSKS, returns IH0 per annum. Title Torrena. AHBIChVH.LE.

Pair Modern Brk. COTTAGES, fitit cnrnmctcl. Met. 1- p.a, lurreiis. Price, i Terms.

i NEWTOWN, Cash or Eay Term Arranged. Cenlnl i'OMltlon. i.aaii, vi vu, wuil muiiics liicreon. Torrena. 7 per foot.


George's Hall, Rrvl Kiug-btreet, NEWTOWN. TeL. U2fl. LI2t. OFFICES CLOSED I P.M.

SATURDAY. JRllenls Molortil to hispeet by appointment. CiiinrritiAN bTi.p NKirTRAL BAY. fl-rmd. Residence.

4 niln. boat. 9850 MOSMAN. 41-rmd, Bungalow, harbour viewa, 1100. SYDNEY.

4-Pioiiicd Cottage, (i2, easy terms. WOLLS'IONKCUAFT. New Crind. up-to-date, l2ftb. 4-roomed CoUage, ttVt mt, MOT), terms.

WILI.Ot'GHltY. New Cottage, rooma, 750, dep. ARTAKMON. W.B. Villa.

4 large rooms, terms. Ol.iTHWOUD,-Npw Buagalow, rooms, 1200. ROSEVII.LE. New CotUue. fl close 1101.

Tl'RIMMURRA. New Bungalow. 5 elc, 1100. GORDON. 7-roomed Bungalow fimperior), 1700.

ItEECROFT. Cottage, 5 nns large area land, 800. KPPING. W.B. CotlfiKP, fi rooms, etc, fiii'ii, terms.

EASTWOOD. New Brick 4-roomH Cottage, (ir.ft. EASTWOOD. W.B. CoiUgc, ruoma, near staliou, i-acre.

(113, AUBURN. New 8-roamed Cotttge, 550, easy terms, MDCOMRE. New 4-rmd. Cottage, cloc station, 150. I COOGEE.

New 6-rmd. Collage, clone tram, BONIH. Pair Cottaips. on heights, 1150, dep. .150.

KENSINOTON, New Cottage. 5 rs. (superior). STRATI IF! ELD. fi-rmd.

Cottage, near sLation, 1100. run par tun W.n. REES and Of) Pltt-strcct MARRI0KV1LK, "Wardeil l-retty Ilrick Cottage, blutc 0 good all olllccs, tiled vers, front and back, flbro gus stoves, nice land C0160, m.ialldep.; Rice, 29 Moorc-st HUNTLEY I-OlN't'. A ciiannlug new Cottage, 6 all olHces, motor garage, wide verandah, lovely view of river and mountaiu, close tram or only 1U2. E.

RICE, IB Moore-sUect MALVERN HILL, Croydon. A new Bungalow. Ts. und all ofllces, sleeping-out verandah, lawn aud garden, clone to station, a bargain, 1300. E.

RICE, 2S Uoorc-strcet 'Phone, City 7000. iVERLOOKING Lnne Cove River. A pretty Villa, 0 goou rooms, anu an ouiccn, veraoaans, an Ideal home, 20 min. from Quay; 11:0, i B. JHCE, 28 Jftoore-atrect HUNTER'S HILL.

A lovely Watcrefrtc Firnlly Residence, haviiift- about 00ft frontatre to dce water. Tho Home la artistically designed, with all the Litest ntunga, wiue nun, ciuaa-room nucu wi lavatory, drnwinir. dinlna. and smoke rooms. 4 bedrooms, alt modern comforts, a picked position, and commands pretty and extensive views: must be sold.

Owner left the State; K. KIUE, 2a Moore-street. PliNN'ANT HILLS, over 9 feet above level Mountain Air In the Subi-i FOUR MINUTES STATION. MIOl It CITY. A handsome Brick Bungalow, with Ix-st slate roof, of very superior finish, and substantially built, containing 8 rooma and ofllccti, LAND over 1 acre; choice plants, trees, etc.

The poultry runs furnish splendid retimu to-Uie present owner, uood reason lor sacruicing at 1550, W. J. FITXS1MONS, Property Auctioneer, Rcl Estate Agent, Valuer, 70 PITT-STREET. tTTITU A SMALL DEPOSIT OF FROM 12 TO 20 you can Buy, with deeds In your own name, a new Double-fronted Brick Cottage, tile) roof, 3 or more rooms, kit. faithful! hunt, with all modern con vpnieneett: nrfcpa rnniri from MI) tn 300.

and In ataiments of from Ifl (I per week will pay oil, Including principal ana inieresx. It Is worth railing for particulars. Do not write or pnone. come straignt in, W. J.

FITZSIMONS, Property Auctioneer, Real Estate Agent, Valuer, to ll I 1 -ol it r.r. i WATSON'S BAY! WATSON'S BAY. ONLY 2 MINUTES FROM WHARF. A Modern D.F. BRICK COTTACE, contg.

6 rooma, kitchen, nnd nil convs. IN PERFECT ORDER. Laud, about 80ft frontage. Torrcns. Price, 050.

UATT, HODD, and PUUVES, (10155) 88 Pitt-street. TITANLY. GOOD BUILDING LAND, in block of 40 XIX l-tf caclt, 1IHI1I IOSlTION, 11AN1JY TO UOAT. PRICE, 3 loot. DATT, RODD, and PURVES, (U852) S3 Pitt-street COOGKE.

2'fl DEPOSIT. COOGEE. An Attractive D.F. BRICK COTTAGE on atone, contg. 5 large rooms, kitchen, and ollleea, VERANDAHS FRONT and REAR.

Lund. 44 130. Torrena. ELK, VATKD POSITION. Price, 1075, hnl, at 0 per ceut.

uait, uuvu, ana ruuvr.3, (10M4) S3 PITT-STREET. ASMKlFI.n. lf0 DEPOSIT. efVWw BRICK COT! AGE, 4 moms, kitchen, lniin- drv. an oint-es, r.ui'.ui itiu LIGHT and RADIATORS, EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT and ARTISTICALLY FINISHED.

PRUE, 730. INVESTMENT, SHOWING RARE RETURN. FOUR BRICK COTTAGES at REDFERN, each 4 rooms, kitchen, let at 15 each. Total rents. 159.


Brick Cottage, with side entrance to lane. In perfect order. PRICK, 700. TERMS. fllPAP.


Three Double-fronted Shops and Dwellings, in the best buainesa position, and nice pair of botiNcs, GORDON-STREET. Large area of land. All In first- ciasa oroer. Kcntoia, p.a. l'rlce, Wm, AN EXCEPTIONALLY SOUND INVESTMENT.

ur.i-tuiun ana iu iiumtkii-HTKEET. ANDWICK HEIGHTS. Well-built New Cottatte. ron- Uining 8 rooms, kitchen, all latest conveniences. 1'KltJK, 12W.

A MACKIFICE, DENBIGH and 10 HUNTER-STREET: or J. A. BAR DON, reneh s-road, Rarmwl ex. A RNCLIFFE HEIGHTS. Itfe pleted, Bk.

Residence, 6 laundry, pantry and linen-Dress, front vor. 7ft wil. hnk uor 8ft wide, close to tram, and only 10 walk to land 42 106; 100 deposit, balance, Including interest, 80 per week. BEXLEY, Highworth Estate, opp. fire Fnrest-rd, and adjoining the benTniful Bex ley Park, only 15 mins.

walk to Rockdale and Kogarah sta tions, ana ine train mim Arnciifte stops at the Estate. Lot on this Estate for Sale from 25 to 8 per foot; deposit 5,. balance 00 monthly payments at 6 per cent. iiihu, uuuuur, ijemey, lQg. lao.

ATBARNEWisrlIABKllKlRrn XX D.F. Brick COTfa*gE, 6 rooms, gardens, fowl NEW BRICK VILLA, 8 kit, electric light, vim mi. inim 'mi. a iic.Mi srtl. MODERN BRICK VILLA, 7 rooms, kit, gardens lawns, large block of land.

PRICE 1175. BATtNETT'S, Tram Section, llaberfleld. Onen all da. BLACK Ti EATH. For Bale, Supr.

Cottsge, tboroughly well-built, everr cjinvimirnroa mntml n.iittnn etc. well 500. Rodrtguer, Black hen th. uf i ii. nne acre biock of Laud, over-U looking golf liivk, nice and level, excellent foIL 00ft JPft.

1 font. Don't mlM hU tt'cik doohlChTlstmn8, Rodrlfuex, Est Agent. Rtiekheath. pjST FANCY, Furnished COTTAGE, 8 kitchen, t' and ofllcea. facinv Innailn I nri Beach.

8 tnfn. tram, hatha. tn Ri.Mm r- house at rear, cor. Block 80 150 to lnne at rear. Thai ju.

fciw. "'p- aow, uai. io, int. per cent. F.

HEGERTY and Rockdale. Kog. 40. Sale, Charming D.F. Brick atone foundation, large rooms, splendidly situated, magnificent ocean view, 7 min.

from beach, lam) J3 121. 5 RMtns. Mhvl hathronm kl.h healer, electric Bght, raa. Price 1250. 'Terms.

i niiaj, mins, trnm. Huntralow, slrtt AJ roof, garage, lovely views, never hnflt out, built about It Torr. Title; sacrifice 1RV, onlek ante. Owner gnlng away. GRAY and McDONALD.

Sole Agentg, Govt. Savlnga Bankchambera, Darllnffhurit 'Phnns. Pa rid. ADERFIELD. A CHAIIMINH D.F.n.

rarnni elate roof, 0 laree rooma. and stove and copper, ELECTRIC LIOIIT, motor en' trance, near train. Land 50 150. Price 010. 3ln cjwn.

ur.i,nue u. n.i&u, on iiameay.Rt, llanerneld. Phone, UIQ82. corner of O'Connor-atreet. iLADE8VTLI.el.

Great Northern-road. Siilntnutiil iren rooi, rooms, Kitchen. lawn, elo, PRICE 050. BIra AitetlAfleers, 870 Darllng-atreet, Bnlmaln. 'Phone.

US OKI MAtlKK'H KAI.K. VRTWnnil 1U VUla, irnod noaltlon, 6 min. railway, 4 pml hllellMI. .11 nfllnn. frtnl mnA posit, enay tcrma, 776 or oOcr.

"'raid OlUce. firk. .1 nun. from bamain. nrlre.

tm Apply 50:1. Ilnr.1,1 nib. KOOARAll. -Stone 4 I .15 i 120, 650. Den.

25: other, on 15 ilU PRKSLANn. HMIwajrjwlc, Kimroli! inc. cnnvTlewcrS I 140. iai, T. vElji; 1 Slat, roof, una.

rUEttUAHO, So(Usl HOUSES AND IAHD F0S SALE. BURWOOD, ON TUB HILL. llriL lil.1 VManriah In front and wida iuk.auaH mruLih at thm rtmr. containing hall. lo UOUD ROOMS, bath, kit, Unen-preaa, laundry.

riuut, ciuuu. -iaitju. HUGH DUFF aud CO.ic4 Oaorga-aiiw, BURWOOD. A Snug Little Property, rooma, Ut, etc, land led 2mt, Fruit tries, vvgeube etc. Poultry ruiuv.

turn HL'Gn DUFF and 8S Otorg-stre-it IV OaEVILLE, ON THE HEIGHTS. Cuariiiiiiir Brick COTTAGE, stone foundationa, Hied roof. 4 lartfu roouut. nautnr. baUuoom, it large verandali.

lnd, 1 ISt. Price, Easy Tenns can arranged, HUGH DUFF and jjptf Ucorge-st; aud Cbatawood. LINDFIKLD. AMERICAN BUNGALOW COTTAGE, brick on atone, witli tiled roof. 4 spacious verandah, contain ing 6 ruuui, kitchen, and all othcea.

Laud 80 W. PRICK, 1075, HUGH DUFF George it; and Cbatawood, CHI ATS WOOD. Chniming Brick COTTAGE, wide ball, drawing and dining room (panlkd, iireaktast-rugm, 8 bed ruoma, bathroom, kitchuii. laundry. Land, 40 160, PlilCE, 1U0ij.

jciao deposit; balance aa rent HLtill DUFF and a8 George-ht; and aUwood. MOSMAN, ELEVATED POSITION. ik BRICK COTTAGE, on atone foundation, tile roof, ti rooms, kitchen, bathroom, Unen-preaa. Land, Ui I'M, laid out in Uwii, vegetable garden, fowl PRICE, 1150. II DLFF and 283 George-st; and Uosman.

MOSMAN. D.F. BRICK COTT A OR. on atan. tllml rortf.

0 rooms, kitchen, and ofucea. tu lits, lane at rear. PRICE. 1000. IIUGH DUFF and sag George-ati and Mosman.

LOVELY BUNGALOW COTTAGES. A number com pledd ready ior uccuiiatiun. uiticra lu-iinr it in that HANDY, HEALTHY, and Charming Suburb. Alt! AUMON THE CITY MAN'S SLUURB. Only Mlnutea to O.P.O.

Return 1 are (including Bout), 2 nuarter, Ludiva UALF FARE on Railway Seaaon TicaM. BRIEF partlcluara of HANDSOME BARGAINS: PRICE IUhJ. D.F. Bk. VILLA, best slate roof, CORNER POSITION, 7 kit.

gas, wattr! M'wit, lami 1U0 15U, mins. station. 5l cah niiuirttl, balance 8 ier cent. TORRENS. PRICE im-UIVELY BUNGALOWS (a), bandy to and 0 rooms, etc.

115U, LOVELY VILLA, on CORNER POSL 'HON, 0 7 mins. stn. riill 1100. Lovely BUNG.VLOW, etc. Deposit ii'iO.

PRU'K BL'NGAIOW, 8 rma, etc, PRICK BE. 4 etc DEPOSIT 100. NEW IIIC. BUNGALOWS, 4 and kit, on large blocks, handy to 750 to S95. -QSLI.

nnl A ARTARMON Stn. (Shop Side) I aEPOSIT 5. NEW. 50 DEPOSIT. iiiintiAiAiw, u.r., 7 mins, from ChaUwood good block, good soil.

YOU It CHANCE fur good home on EASY TERMS. DUNBAR and At ARTARMON Stn. fShop Side). GROYDON. Dcprisit from 50.

New, well-built ftvitft. GnAAsvgi, ttavx station 4 large rooms, kitchen, electric light, ga stove, gu copper, bargain, 075. BURWOOD. Superior nrw Brick Bungalow, best locality, 6 gd. kitchen, wide verandahs, latent Icyeijf Mock 150.

a jcift, 000, cash or terms. STRATH FIELD. New Brick Cottage, 4 irons, 6 min. atation, aliii. ucpoalt irom v.

ASIIFIELD. New Brick Bungalow Cottage, 4 rooma, Kiicncn, electric lignt, ou noights. Handy station, good chance, 760. From 50 deposit. ASIIFIELD.

A particularly 'amort Bungalow Onttage, 6 rooms, kitchen, on One corner position, handy to siation, only 875 cash. Tcrma arranged. BUUiiKit HILL. New Brick Bungalow, latest finish, 6 rooms, Kitx-ncn, near station, tuna. UOMEBUSH, 4 mlnutea Station.

W.B. Cottage, In good order, splendid position, 4 rooma. kitchen, large block. 475, on small depoait OTHER COTT AG EH and Bunaglows, Summer ntll to Strathlield, W), 700, W0, 1UIi0. B.

B. TUOIIY and Burwood. Open all day. Our motor will call for buyers if inconvenient to reach the office during itriko. Please 'phone Uatiw to arrange.

A NNANDALE. Up-to-date and aunerior finish. Brick TJL Cottage, 4 rooma, laundry, bath, fibrous ceiling, mei ana giia stoves, mm, Toirens. KILN EST C. V.

BROUOHTON, 118 Pitt-atreet A GREAT BARGAIN. Freshwater, 2 minutes beach, tto rju, aui loot, 'ju ucpouiU )i monui. EltNEST C. V. BROUGHTON, 113 Pitt-street TUNCHBOWL.

Pretty W.B. Cottage, 8 uacK, ironi, i. ou zuu, xzm; tiw acpout. E1CNEST C. V.

BROUGHTON. 113 PiU-street a Ultlt HILLS Investment 2 Brick lluuues, 4 rnifl. and 8 with all eonveniencea. Rente, 55 per annum, lorrvna, 51)0. E1LNEST C.

V. BROUGHTON, 113 Pitt-street BEXLEY. 81 620, partly fenced, city water, metalled rood, 6 deposit, 30 month, uo Torreus. ERNEST C. V.

BROUGHTON, 113 Pitt-Btreet A WILLOUGIUtY, 7 mlnutea from tram. DeUchcd --a- ilrick Cottacc of 4 rooms. kiL. etc. hieeDine- out verandah, land 60 150.

Torrena Title, mice 750. Terms, 5n deposit, balance at 1 per week, interest 0 p.c, payable quarterly. This is an opportunity of kuoii nuine on cany tcrma. AT PYMULE, Detached Residence of sleeping-out balcony, and maid's room, land 3 acres. Tor-reus Title, nrice .1500.

AT ROSE VILLE, 0 minutes from atatlon. Detached Brick Cottage of 6 rooms, verandah on 3 hides, tile roof, nrice 1100: tcrma if rrauircd. 18773111) AT WAHROONGA. Residence of rooms (including Drenktast-room anu stuay), land over one acre, cow P'MiuocK, iowi run, motor garage, pnea cziou. Terms if desired.

AT LINDFIKLD. 6 minute from station. Brick Cot tags of 0 rooms and all oltlcea, la ml 5 VuO, Torrcns Title, nrice 1050 cash. (S53191 STANWAY and SMCK, Estate Agent. Milton' rottit, tamers ior uortgugc, nonate, etc "VfKUTRAL BAY.

Pair S.D. COTTAGES, brick on stone, slate roof, each contg. hall, 4 oic. FTileiidid nonition. near Id trnm.

Let to flrst- L-btss tenants. Rent 117. PRICE 1130. etiasy terms reuirei. a KAitUAin.

WOODS and STUTCHBURY. Cremome Junction. nitEMORNE-MOSMAN. BUNGALOW HOUSE, now nciirinir completion, exceptional in workmanship ana ucsigti, corner position, 'lorrens line. murine view, gona.

rriee i4fjO. W(K)DS nnd STUTCHBURY, Cremorne Junction. BURWOOD. Double-fronted Brick Cottage, Hi roof, 4 kit, bath, laundry, land 42 150, 075. CROYDON.

D.F. Brick Bungalow, slate roof. 4 kitchen, bath, laundry, electric light, electric radia tors, gaa stove, gaa copper, iaou bo IM, co.a; tenoa, Others, 350 to 2UU0. Open all Saturday. COLDSMTD, U1W3.

107 Edwin-street, foydon. S' UMMER HIIX. close to station. BEST POSITION. A WELL-BUILT and ATTltACTIV ELY DESIGNED BRICK COITAGE, return Tile Verandah, wide ball, drawing-room, dining-room.

4 brealaaat-room. liitclun, pantry, laundry, bathroom (heater), gaa and fuel stoves, electric power. PRICE 1200. unniC' dkite poiiiHauiioa if desired. J.

A. SOMERYn.LB and uercuiea-strect, Atuincia. H'URSTVILLE. New Rough-cast Villa, tiled roof. 3 lurgc rwms, conveniences, good view.

Price 475. 50 deposit. 178 week I V. UURSTVILLE. Sew li.ea iwfl, tftniraa1 ceilings, 3 rooms and sleep-out ftttv.

oeposit. A. VINCENT, Dallington-avenue, ITnratvflte, rnone. nog, rrn. TJURWOOD.

New Double-fronted Brick Cottage, up 12 inunina, mnu a loo, nuruus ceilings, rooms, kitchen, laundry, tiled bathroom, electric light, elec tric iron, etc. Splendid position. Price, 025. 42! cash, balance at 5 p.c, so arranged 14 per week pays off principal and Interest, spread over 30 years, with Uie option oi paying ou any time. BLANS1IAKD, Liverpox)l-road, Burwood.

Ring U448L NORTH SYDNEY, "nr. Sviapenaion Bridge. Brick Cottage, stone foundation, tiled roof, con. bkfRt. 2 bed rooms, sleep-out glassed room, 2 verandahs, kitchen, laundry, newly painted throughout, east erly aspect, water view, within 2d section.

Price 750 lecave tram Ainuurni-siri-ci. niuuvrtncrc, THey-street, off Carter-street. North Sydney. TYUR WOOD. Superior BUNOAIX)W HOME, attraO tlvrtv and subatantlally built kit.

tiled front ver. and path, also wide smoke alate wtne ent. nan, nn, gas. ext. leaaugnta, and motor ent.

at aide. Handy in an exceL at cor. Kiirena ann nnitesnury man. rrice ouzo. Term can be arranged with builder on oh.

A RTARMON.New Det. D.F. Brick Cott. ennt. Ji kit.

etc. tlbroua nlaater ceilings. Land 150ft, Torrcns Title. Price 26. Terms, 76 dep.

and bal. aa rent NORMAN GILL, cor. Walker anil aiouni ats, norm oyaney, anu at in riH-ax, citj. RNCLIFFE. ARNCLIFFE." If you wish to buy a property or an allotment of liuiu in UI auuiiiu, or atuiuiuiuuiK jvu cannot do better than consult A.

GODDARD, the "ESTABIJSHED" LEADING REAL ESTATE AGENT, opp. Sin. r.suiD. mini. auv niogarau.

TjMVE DOCK. Elevated, well-eltuated, overlooking a' river excellent w.u. uottaae. nan. a rma.

Inimdrv. bath. etc. citv water. 1 min.

tram. ach. land 46 100, Torrcns, 430; cash 2o0, liuUnce 15a weekly, sir, Kicuanir.i i i rmiiip-at, city. shkx DULWIC1I HILL, Lovely Brick Cottage Residence, 8 wide hall, all modern conveniences, fernery, lawns, garden, price 1450; deposit 350, balance terms. Apply COCHRANE'S HOTEL, foot Harriet -street.

C00GEE. Corner Block, Bream -st, J70, Burnle-st, Little Coogee. 3:1 180. 150. Rand wick, Gilberthorpe-sti 60 i 120, level, fenced, tram atop.

Torrena iitie. vai, uonni urse, nngtoi Waverlev. ITTATER-FRONTAGR HOME for Bale, lolld atone and VV rough cast A rooms, kitchen, and office, slate roor, sewer, i minute to terry, minutes to iuay, 50ft salt-water bath. UUA -BOO, U.lf.V. rtPRPin.ATOR'S situnted Es rC tale, 55 ACRES, for Sale, cheap, with new Cot tage, twDdtviaioo aurveyca, some roads formed, rinan comnei sale.

Bna-flde DrinciDala only. Terms If reqd. SI1F.EHY and MURRAY, eity. NORTn SYDNEY. A well-built D.F.

COTTAGE, A ro bathroom, front and back ver andah. Land Wft 112ft, comer. Terms, 70n tUu alt. W. (T.

ELAND. 08 Miller-street. North Svdne. A SHFIELD, to Genuine Buyers. D.F'.

Cottage, only x. mfts. elo nlentv of latvl. overv fort, thoroughly worth inspection, a reasonable offer cnnsiiieren, ramriiiara, it inann-streat, Awintln, ROSE BAY HEIGHTS, 2 min. tram.

Good views, level, big rental return, 137ft, 3 10s ft Cash OOOEYANA, I70R8, Rawann.mail. Rma Ita ORTTiYTJTXZSw OotUge, min. tram, ball, ft ira.Mnii., electric light, ate, ilat roof, high poi. Terms arr. Cr.

Palmer and West its. 1128 N. 04, Talfa Estate, orTMonT m4 nnnrnrrih streets 8 10a par loot Brantnor, ns t-rosd. Five Dock. Building BLtM'K.

A ni station IM I 1V neidtl. 1 U' JljlLpBTTMANMjJM PltUtreet, Sydney. T50Nm. LnstBttsinfa Block left, goodRlbnTlfri 13 120i tenant waiting. Hiawatha.

1 A BHFIKLD. Pretty Bungalow, reaily ow.r5f. Fov, 18 Chnrlnttet. Ashlleld. 8 diors 8 amTkit, all conva.

68 Hollnrrow-st. Croydon. LpNGUKVn.LE, close to fit 285. I prion aUO, caab or tacu. 287, UA IliKMURNE pltOl'KUTlUi FOU SALE, MCE VlLi.A, 0 rooms, kitchen, venuidalia, and all modem laud Mi 1 lau.

iilUrO. VILLA, luvcly Maicr vicvm, vIum; imv Icrries, 3 ruts. aihl ail tuuvtiiititiva, I co*k.s'LU LLUcu, clutK- urty, and frdnllng reserva-lion, MUi-u. uuitr ticv.a, a im, a irwiiugo, iwriviw. iwu til il.UlMi ULUCkb, I'Slu vi a Uit iaaviiold, ilaU.

Laii lv malic tiftimld. LAitiiE a rrna. aid con 2 minutes tktiy, iwi, irutiuitica, urittT vnwa, tlM. UM txiU, tllOj,, titiw. BUODIK Mul lUi I'ilt-alreet lit.

ON, 11UX1UN, 1UE liATOOMRA (IF THE SOUTHERN LINE. CllhAP MUIIMAIS II LOCKS, 40 IM, HtUil 10 I'tit lii.tK.'K. Trn.w: 'Ail Deposit, WiaiiLe 10 alouUi. Send (ur uiaim and prUiulai. 1IROUIE 105 Pitt-ltreet SHOP SITE, Tram htop, (Joruer Liluck, foot, 60 a lli Worth Double.

UitOUIE and 103 Pitt-Street, DOUBLE BAY. Brick VILLA, 7 rooms, kitchen aU UK.duii L-oUVciiiciiii'S, catty tvrina, 1UAK UKOUIE ai.d PBtirceu IANliWICK. RESIDENCE. 0 airtiimleni cm-V tenti-mrs, clceino light, aplemiiJ views. Laud 08 a IU0.

Uarnaiil, lertiis, 'ii0 ilepwit 11HOD1E and 105 I 'Ht -street AST WOO I). COITAGE. 4 rooms a i I coiiveniincca, Uud about 11 ac. lumiy Siation, eay tuts. jJttliaiidCtl.1 IQi I'itt-aireet.

TtfANLY BARGAIN, cltwe TraiiJlne. New Hrirk COT-X TAtiE. 4 laundry, and all conveniences, including furniture. Land 150, garden, etc only; 100 deposit: ey terms lor balance. mi 1 I'liMl nm La 1 1 10.

Br.Hlie mid 105 I'llt-st LLICIIII AltDT, near Town Hall. Std end Id llri.k Collate, blatc roof, 6 all offices, Torrena, C35. A thcup, lound Pweriy. HIinniE nnd 1D PMt-street. TREMOR NE.

with Glorious Harbour Views, Fine COTTAGE, tile roof, 0 good rooma, and olllccs, curiier block, fill H. Fn-ehold. Trice, 1450. Terms; nf cash; halnnre ft ycnni, low Int. U.

A. GALE ami OOMPANY, 117 Pitt-streot TREMOR N'E, 1 min. Wharf, Reservation Frontage. aiiKicrn linca yi usual ollleea. lively hurbuur views.

Price. It. A. ALK anl COMPANY, 117 Pitt-street. CREMORNE.

4 min. Ferry, Fine Harbour View. Mo-lern Brick Cottage, slate nf, 7 rooms, kit, land Go 137. Price, lin1. SW can stay, 51 (i.e.

It. A. GALE and COMPANY. 117 Pitlstrcct ASH FIELD, close to Station, on right side of line from Svdnev, surrounded by bciutlful homes. GI.NTLKMAN'S MANSION, 10 Urge noma nnd all ollircs, comer position, land 150 2i0, GAHAf.E, Tenuis gravel drives, lawns, gardens, etc, 'Coat KStXW, Kccently valued zmxt.

I'Uli t-i'iw. I'lmb'S our oilke. It. A. GALE and 117 Pilt-et 17 LIZA BETH BAY.

Land, 73 a. Water Frontage icii t. 'a Resilience of 10 large rooma and omeea, ganlens, lawns, wimmlng bath. PRICE, K. A.

GALE and COMPANY, 117 Pitt-street UU 11 LSI ONE PARK, PRICE, 26. jLlim HEI'fWIT. BALANCE 25 WKh'K. HUNGALtlW COTTAGE of brick, contiiina hull, 6 rooms, Kuclien, iiiundry, nilnrooiu, tlliil vcranuan, tlttcd. with art muutcls.

electric radiators, picture rub, Abioua ci Ilii(, suo gns copper, electric ugnt. 1, iimh ur, W. A. 24 CaMl.Te.igh-atr-ct. 3240.

ITT A II I'll FIELD. PRICK, 876. -a-- itncs lAiTAiiK, containing nan, 6 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, faiiuiiry, fifi'if wmadult, tut aida-U-ls, picture mils, Venetian bliici. LAND, 45 I.W. BUGGY ENTRANCE.

V. A. PETTI 21 Custlcrcagh-Kircct. BURWOOD. PRICE, 1050.

BRICK COTTACE attractive de-siim, alnte roof, ball, 6 rooms, kitchen, laundry, pantry hut broom, tiled tcrandah to fiont, vcruutlah Oft wide at rear, art miinlels, liln fireplaces for electric rati ta tors, itnrous kiu It. in. UNI), HO MOTOR ENTRANCE. W.

A. PE'rnT. 21 CastlcTcagli-Hirctt. A pril-e, b75. im )tt'0IT: BALANCE WEEKLY.

VERY ATTltArnK NhW ltRK.K COITAGE BUNGALOW, hall, 6, nil clliccu, tilnl verandah, hi lice 'irt liMlltels, tiled flicpluces for electric radia tors, nitrons cfiunn-K, pietiric iiirnt, isri.KMiiu VALUE. LAND, 4fi lid. MOTOR KNTRANCK. W. A.

PETTIT, 21 Casllereiigli-MMjt. a Ifl. ULW1C1I HILL. PRICE. 850.

1U0 DEI'OSIT, balance 25 per week. 3 uiina. from tram. A MODERN FAITHFULLY CONffmtTTED BTTN-OA LOW, with slate roof, containing 3 large rooms, kitchen, nnd f) Hii-ch. ELECTRIC LIGHT ami RADIATORS.

Fibrotu ceilings, and all un-to-date fitting. LAND. 10 2m. TORRENS. REALTY ASSETS 16 CASTLE REACH-STREET.

ASH FIELD. BUNGAI.OW, PRICE, 750 The nuat elvvUiU pnfitlon In this popular aubuib. W) DEPOSIT. ilALASTR 9ii PFIt WPP1T A Modern, FiiillifuHy-bdilt just being computed, contains drawing-room, dining-room, 2 bciL I'ltmiiMv in, anu mi usual torn. EL E( TRIO LIGHT and RADIATORS, GAS STOVE, GAS COPPER, L'I'C.

L.tud, 40 120. Torrena Title, REALTY ASSiny 15 tVSTl.Eiy:AGr graEFr. QREJ10RNE 5 and kit, i.ii-uiiiijuiii vvniiiuuii. lie- fH'Hit Of 100. Utul Wioldu r.nilal Apiily UAliUUri', 8U7 Military-road, Creinurne Junction, MILlTAlt V-HOAD.

On a niTOTNI-Mq hitr a rooms and kit, 750, Deposit and tirma. COT-TAtJF. crecttd wiUi a view fcJ.wp addition wiieu CRKMUKNE JUNCTION. New. i at.f kit ern convcniciicca, ItunuHlow clou, light, taa a-iuu tram, CBEMOI USE.

Fine m-w, if-at rled ll.u', tn tram line, a miki ma) ciutn, iMiunre ueeKlv. ARTAKMON. Deal ruble 4 r. and with ttn r- amiah auniss caatcrn Uhpcct, for alucping-out, oi unit. i num.

ih i'i ''in a iojii; mat. wuy cash, br.laute weekly. Consult IIARnUTT 3u7 Military-road, Cretiiurne Junction. "fOSMAN. D.F.

Brick fOl'i lUi.blwifaUcUl. bum.Lltul views, vasu'iiv asxet'l, widu terauuan, 8 rooiuu, kiUlieii. I.tuiwiy, and bath, wide hull drjwiu and dim ji loums, folding doors, TorrciuJ Tit.e. Teruw. Prav, 100.

WARRAWKE, Milnoti's Poini Building uiulk oi luiiid, Jtiutt to BowluhJ-aviiiue by mut( Torrena Title. Jl'J per ft. A llarguiu. CRONLLLA ( of Uud. 100ft to Vista- unit, lutft -tu Uiirh-bticet, by a depUi of iHlIitl ioiii street tu KtiLi'i: icvci, uoou son, no rocn.

lurreiis litle, uml worth mure than asked. 120. i.Air. anu t.u., a lluincr-atrt-et. AGLNTLLMA.VS RESIDENCE IN WUOLLAHRA.

Uoiiblc-etory HOME of briLK, uinl maflslvc heavy stone moat luiiiuuiiy uuiit ior tni owner only a hliuit time ugii. This House coiihInUi of 7 Urge and lofty rooma and kitchen, most artistically decorated itiMdc, with elftthc light throughout, 2 bulcouies in the Iruiit, and a very large covered balcony all the way ucriaa the back of the himne, wliicii could be easily turned Into two additional n.oiiw. This house stiuda on a lot of 42 140 ft In depth, frith a Iwvm tinJ uwluc tn wUAtux. Fur particulais apply to OWNER. BOX 114, G.

P.O. IARLIN POINT, cIom lo Tram, FINK 11 A It HOUR ticna. Mou.rn im. Kuiidciice, with lounge and juitniiur-out veranda and balcony; reception hull, and uiuukiuijin uii, uruwing, uining, mnoke, 4 lied rooms, mum room, oa in room, waler-licuter, aitcbeo. gas Htoic, larder, pantries, etc.

I NEW and ARTISTIC PAPER DECORATIONS and niiiniis, i.iiiiu, etc. TORRKNS TI'lLE. 51(10. MARSHALL and UEMPSTtlt.112 Pitt st, opp. O.P.O.

GORDON, GORDON. dan and ualrouh-a, 3 reception-rooms, ft bedrooms, most t-oinplcte dtimestic oirxcs, WELIj-GUOWN SHADE law-a, garuen, cwuiii', lawns, eta 4U000. MARSHALL and DEMPSTER, i ia 1'itt-Btrcet opp. O.P.O. "IHATSWOOD.

7 min riT Private Sale, deceased estate. Solid urica on concrete iiuust, on acre, splendid order, 1(1 rooms And kilchen. 2 baloinina. orphnnl vmrr flower garden, glasshouse, growing piue.ipples tn perfection. Tennis court ami summer house; suit college or family.

Freehold, 1760. Terms If required. 'I'l WB, JIUW. BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE, almost new, wide vcrandalis and slue uiii it. out verandah- ill tmnlnpn man'a room, cromiet lawn and kinak.

Imnt. age, with boat house and cedar skiff, grounds terraced nunuies irom ierry, nan-nour from city, pretty isn.j aw uuuu.ui ia.iiuii(iii, rit, S.SOUV, write L. r.o., George-street North. Uirge Building STTB, lota 23, M. 26.

AhboUfurd t-ttate. KMnt Alfmlt l-T'fi raa. cadc-st, Magnificent viewa over Jumleson Valley, protected from westealy; numerous handaome Bungaliws rec crcc around site, few such now obtainable, Ka- toomna, pos. nign, grounn lenred, elcnicil, (i rubbed, soil rich. Address Mrs.

WILSON, Box 12fi0, O.P.O. 1TTLB) UOOGEE, 1 min, fr. tram. Mod. 4-r.

11. Cott. 1 all lid rv. cement- tutu, o-ua Miinop. and stove, elee.

light, front, side, and hack T.T., wnv, mouei uonie, ana rvinarKamy cneap. Ken tal 84 10s P.A. 10 per cent ret Price 350. 125 bal, 25s week. See this at once.

ALLOXAN and JOMiS, 117 Pltt-atrcet, Sydney. COTTAGE, just built, 8 mlnutea station, contg. dining-room, bathroom, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, land 6.1 2X1, glorioua views, well and futilifnllv i i. r. u.

MUltl'lir, AarenL TONDI, conveniently situated. An Attractive Dei. D.F Brick COTTAGE, contg. 4 good rooma, kitchen, and all In good order. Lund, 40 1.10.

win in i.ue, rtiit UUIUtt BALK. HA DIP and GORMAN Branch Office. BONDI JUNCTION1. WORTH SHORE LINIC-Wcll-rtesIgnetl Gentleman's A Cottage Residemc, 8 large open-air living-room, -nere, laid out lawns, Burden, fruit trees In ni.i.i-iii-11, i6 nuns, uanroonga Ststfon. BpmHMd.

Wiihroorrn-av. Key and pnrs. next mdd. aiikaiikkk nifrrniCT. iXrTfl, Collirnv! ocean frontages, 316, RKEN wrxin 8 AORNfTT, Collaroy Tram Section.

'ILL All A. Rrlek COTTAGE, 0 rooms," entranrc hall. nui-npii, laminry, an rnnvcnienrcs. Iind 100 in iwiicct oroer, inins. auiion.

Price 2600 in. No agents. own En Box 878 0. PjO, Sydney. A.H..

11 AT IfaAf A tWrXY677T7nrraor W.SnalWtiVwit, Ajra (upua. Torrent title. A-istAnc tn hi.ild A. vii.ia, Artul Dndlev rosd. Phone.

FTftin. R.f.t- I Title. Select position. Fnsv C. fAvn I o.

Knwe-strert, off Pitt-atreet, opn O.P.O. "VBW Brick COTTAfflV 4 hatrt, 1 Al nil mv elevnted position, hand tram, eWtrfe Htrlit gnsi land 81 Tornns title TIIRV Mfet. near Slon-st, SHi. R.imlwok. Aa' EJCCIIANGR emilty of md.

Villa, RantlwIeV, "10M lor motor car, 300 (not American), U3, IbifJaV IliB LOWEST UATf OF INTCRCUT. ft PER CENT. At UAJJERF1ELD GARDEN SUBURB. It mean a big saving, and why not take advantage of when tii boutta at Uw prio equal to to beat where. IfABERFlELD grow more proapcrou and more beau iiiui eatai year tue preaeni is uie iimo tu ce anu buy our latcat brick bungalows.

Ample atcoiiiuio datiuu, pertuct Owitstructiou, ttacluaiva tit*itfua. PRICES FROM 1085. CORNER 1'OSITluN. Term of oonvenimiu on luodeiult deposit, and rt payuienU with 0 IvCvAr. ia i uiui.

IntpectioD at any time. Appointments by Our direct from our City Oliice or from Habcrlleld Oilice, on trum line, at O'Connor-street, Irani atop. Dcacrip live free on request. STANTON and SON, STANTON and SUN. 129 Pitt-Street.

aud at fl.ilifrilcld. 129 Pilt-fetrt'ct, and Summer Hill. URLSTONE PARK, 850. On goad ronior post Hon, and convenient to inim anu train, we Have a Modern BricK mm gii low Cott ate for twle, conig.

6 rooms, kit chen. and all oflkc. Elecirio light, gas, etc PICK HI. TERMS; lu0 DEPOSIT, and 25 per week. Call and inspect to-day in the Car.

STANTON and PON, I. Summer Hill, at Station. "fARRICKVILLE, MAHRICKVILLB, A-'X CORNER POSITION, NICK VIEWS. Vei-V Prpllv N'iv It Hi-, elf I f. mnA gas stove and copper, light, l.brous cciL, iui, invi! Mini, tenilo, A.

MrVt.TkS Tn Til r. -umiV Pretty Bungalow, 3 bitlrnoms, din, und lucu'iifutit fib. art mantcU, bind 40 200, T.T., elcc. ii Bin, iHJticiaui ciuiiuei oaiu, cua awvc kiiu coup. Term, 3.vt.

WARREN HEIGHTS, CISE TO TRAM. nrwl hrcakfart looms, kitchenette, back uud (toot all luodern conv. Terms, 050. ui.iu..i r. DKi'osrr.

-Brick Cottage, 4 rooma and 2 min, from train, 50 deposit, 1 week I v. 0jU, WALVIN nnd CO. ri'honi. Pit 17l.1 MAItnifK. VnLE RARiWAY STATION.

OPEN SATURDAY AFTN. JJAPPY HOMES IN PLEASANT PLACl-a. lit il WOOD, close to Station. isew Modern Uritk Cottage, with 4 large looms, kitthen, and all olllccs. Electric liy.Lt und gus.

d'0. ENFIELD, near New Railwuy Yards. nin wncK i-ouage (ueing Jiiiiii, a rooms, Kiicncn, and all oflk't-a. A perfect llomu, ASHFIEI.D, High Position. New Modern Bungnlow, 4 rooms, kitchen, and all olllccs, electric light.

730. Terms. CONCORD, Terfect Position. Bungalow Coitugc, 4 rooms, kitchen, every modem cjnveiileucc. 075.

Terms. Many others, at prices from 200 to 3000, for cash or on TERMS to suit you. vicn an oay to-uay. Motor to Inspect STANTON nnd SON, U4775. BURWOOD BRANCH.


RARE OPPORTUNITY. Modern and attrsc n.r.nn. Lotuge, uie ruoi, 4 und laundry tiled front verandah, all fl1ie, sewer on. Land 40 135, Totrcus, best -i spent (north). Easy walk to Icrry.

A HARGAIN. lit good renalr pii.b MOSMAN. N.E. aspect, magnificent harbour view, Soundly-built D.F. Bk.

Cottage, 8 lsc laundry, and offices, front verandah glazed in, land 45 150, Torrcns, near tram. This un I tractive property, in best order, and owner will ict-ept only 1176 to effect early sale owing to leaving district MOSMAN, easy walk to ferry and near Cnnrohert-street trum net. i.i--, bk. 7 Igc laundry, and offices, fewer on, front nnd l-uik vcmndnhs, gardens and lawns front mid Splendid order throughout. uiiBtcrly nrpect.

I titi'l, 40 150, Torrena U)i30 MOTOR TO INKPEtrr. C. COTTl.DTNti, 205 Militarv-nl, Spit limi. Mosmnn. B.

O. GOULD1NO. Telephone (Oflicc and P.R.). V17J9. STRATIUTEID fl MINUTES, BURWOOD 10 MINUTES.

Pnirounded bv targe reaideneea, easterly aspect, modern Brick BUNGALOW, exceptionally solid faun da ions, built 3 years ago, in centre of old garden, with tall palms and shade trees; slu*to roof, wide vemndali facing oast, north, and west, sleeping-out bj four bedrooms, dining-room, llviim-room, etc, built-in oak sideboard, secret burglar-proof cupbeard, rbuilt in wurdrnhes In all bedrooms, window Feats, panelled wall, maple parquet Doom, rmiftio hiin.cupc leml-ligbLi; bathroom floor nnd walM tiled white, Robin-hou'j patent heater, supplying hot shower and htli, also to basin; gaa and electric liiiht Beautiful garden, lawn, old fruit trees, fowl run, workshop, etc Tin whole designed by leading architect, and hullt regardless of cost. Everything the best. Sulll-cient land fronting street at rear for 2 cottages, Torrena Title, Sound rca-ons for selling. PRICE, 3t00 CAS1L Inspect by appointment OWNER. Box lggs, Q.P.O., Sydney.

ANLY BEACIL HANDSOME OOTTAGE RESIDENCE, iuc rAun iir.tuilia, Containing 10 rooms, leading to large vernmbb 100 feet long, magnificent coastal views, easterly aspect, three bathrooms, bachelors' quartets, full tenuis court, with frontages to two roads. Three Minute from Surf and Eight from Ferry. EASY TERMS CAN HE ARRANGED. PRICE 5000. 43rds to view fron- ROBEY, HANSEN, and STRONG, MANLY.

KENSINGTON. Great Chance for Racing Man. Lnrgr D.F. Cotta 8 hfv Poarn. nnrl all r.n,1,I.nlnn.d 8 loose boxes, feed room, buggy shed, sand etc ueuuuu alio price wiDeaLaoie.

wiu take 1160, terms. WOODS and Reliable Agcuta, K' ton. KENSINGTON SOUTH. You must Iniipect this. Compact comfortable Home, contains 8 rooms, kitchen, and ollleea.

Land 60 160, plenty room poultry, nice earden. And the nria ia nnlv jmmii wlfr Wiinitai Branch Office, leave tram new boteL KENSINGTON SOUTIL Fine Bk. Cottage. 4 ohTces, well built, handy tram, cent, wilt accept 878 for quick sale. WOODS and Uranch Olhcu, leave Tram at new hotel, for S.

Jt'tonProper DRUMMOYNE. on the Heights, and Free from Va, llodcira arid, attractive Double-fronted Brick Bungalow Cottage, contg. ft large rooms, hall, kitchen, tiled tathroom, gas stove and copper, hot water to bath, fibrous ceilings in all rooms, linen press, and pantry, large tiled verandah, lawn, marble step and tiled risers, oak mautels, purple Bangor slate roof, stone foundation, prctry' lead lights, sewered, electric light. Land, 39ft 6In ICK'l firms 5... urn -I i.i per week, including interest and principal.

Buy now before th big rise. Only a few left. Apply." BR EN bab ana Btvu, uuuuers, itesteiia, Lcnore-at, Urum-moyne. on Job. TeL.

455 Drummovne. Handy, Homely, neoltby Sub-AA. urb. Lovely Approach from tlie city, tuul surrounded by Open Spaces. Here Is one of Its nicest Villas.

Containinir drawimr-room. din Inrr. mnm A.lup.ra. bedrooms, tiathroom, kitchen, laundry, linen' press, elec light best fittings, radiators, elec; Irons, etc. The wide reception ball nnd main rooms are beuu- urauy nanrtnainted ana panelled, a well-built home, of beautiful design, nicely elevated, and near 2d tram Quay.

This 1 a lovely home, and cheap at 1250. ftrm If required. Woods, K'toa. R'wtck 459. TRATHFIELD.

For Positive Sale, a Gentleman' Uesidencai. no exnenai- has lwn narwl In tha finish of this beautiful home, cavity walls, reinforced wmn-'w louiiuautNia, uatj roois, entrance porcn, re-crntion voatlbula 9'2 R. dnmo ilmra umi la nr. room, leauligat casem*nt windows, all offices, electric light, gaa, two atovea, garage. Land 86 163.

lovely garden and lawns. Price 2250, or best offer. iiiair Logie. lceumyre-road, six minutes irom sintion. IIDCOMBE.


Cosy Home, 8 w.h., 40 deposit, 306. New Cottage, 4 w.h., 35 deposit. 426. Sup. Cottage, 6 w.h., 35 deposit IL opp.

Stn. TRATHFIELD HEIGHTS. Several 8pl. from 40ft, good depths, 60 1 3 deposit, 0 month, stake appointment Will drive to inspect. H.

J. 8M3THERS, Udcombe. U7212; PriA, U0038. AUBURN. Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, ail beat position, 630.

W.B. Cottage, 8 rooms, etc, only 830. Near Station. W.B. Cottage, 4 rooms and kitchen, large back and front verandahs, gaa stove, buggy shed, and stable, fowl runs, "veg, garden, easy tettu.

AMBROSE WEBBER, 80 Auburn-road, Auburn. CROYDON, INVESTMENT, Pair Modern Brick COTTAGES, 4 rooms, kit chen, rent in wee eucn. Torre us, ivw, nanny siaiion. ruwLtHH ana sun, iss Hmitrt-st, Closw 1 p.m, to-day. Summer Hill, nr.

P.O. STR ATiHiTELD. D.F."Brick OotUge, ft kit. all fib. alate roof.

e. llaht. land 50 107; 000, c. or terms. Lamjstoo, tielliug-aveuae.

Momeousn-roaa, near rant IIOOOER. New Modem Bungalow, 8 bed dining-room, arch, kitchen, tiled bathroom, gas tave and coDoer. el. Ilabt. radiators, land 80 inn Price 1225, terms.

Cuaack, Agent, Coogee Trpm Term. LAND, Oampeie, Blocks, each 44ft frontage, biaj dpth; also Weatherboard Building, 32ft 22ft, 10ft high, let cheap, 75. GOSLING, Beamish-street, Campsie. Oottsga, 4 rma, and kit, every price 828; efhsra, 950, and 1200 tm tO 3000. Ouaactl.

Aarl. CLnnm tram l.rm ICHANQE or SelL D.P. B. Cottage, 4 nfnCTU Xolnc, Ic. lot, Bice position, Croydon Park.

750. Sm HOTOS. VWOM b) 9A tT 11a JAhnatmi VnnlH JO.tlWifpirvCoefit kit chen, and all eonveniencea. ntcelv sthiatsd. a m.ta tram, 4T 188, 475, or Baimnin P.O MODERN Daoblc-froatod Brick tiotuJte, fl rooms, kit.

eta. nice hlrb rati ti on. fins im fort, Hrw lot. 1160. Beattle.

Ennln- ORTiniRroaE. Fine Level BiiiTdlng Site, min, n. 6Kt J.ronli,5e' ohP Mt sell. A.D., Box 187. Newcastle P.O.

fpEMPE. New Bk. Cottage, 8 ah -660. taraw. W.

Ilortln. Btotlonat. Tempo. S' t.i rrtiirtu ntrir, We will build vntl a ttoma MH t.A 1. any suburb.

No depoait Hepnymcnu byoway of THE' LAND AND PROVIDENT IHTlLniNn POCIKTY, G' ENTLEMAN'S FAMILY RESIDENCE, For Powuv bale Wyaiuutf-st, uurwooo, Lea vina- for Enrland rwliw tb bead of th fam ily bdjiug at the frout This urouertv is in a aTood position, within plea sant 0 or 7 minutes' walk of ftatioo. And con tains a excellent row ins, also Louiuj Yeran-dalia and Balcouie. sutcheo, and OttUm inc. AREA ol land, I tw Tba nar Dortion laid out iu healthy Orcfaard Ud Viiiery; Poultry Yard. biAULiMi.

fciettnc bigDc. Maaaiva Marble MaiiUls, Uiolca decoration. Price. luo, which ia Jut 100 below rtoeni valuation of Leading Sydney Auctioneer, A All LWU I Al A Bargain, and a lovely refined Home. Tcnns if require), say OUO 'dep.

Balance can stand at 0 per cent. P1LRCY ETIIELL and Auctioneers. lo3 Pitt-street. AS GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE or i'ltlVAih kor Sale. Suerior S-roomcd BMUKnujs, BEST I'ltoilTUN IN UKLUMOVNL.

Right on Crowo ol HilL Overlooking Gie Finest River Scttiiery. KleKunt rittiiigs, nice garden. Low price; term if wautvd. Laud bii la I ft Torrena. P1U1CY ETUELit and 103 Pltt-atrcet.

li.LAi UAUUA1N. I'aiT ol linu ivWliaUW), VJ uUi let to cAcelleut teuusita, ioUl Ucut, about -U pur ar. OCr of tM) would ba coiiaiikrcd. PIERCY ETHELL and 103 Pitt-street BUR RANKER BAY, "pUUT liuaiuia. liwiiuiiiiiiir.

UtL-k-eud Coitaite. 4 bu ver. all the way round, land 47 Tontiut, corner block, direct acctua to water. 35, dti-posit, balauc over 6 years at 6 per tent TeL, U7110. The La iitw Ionian, AUBURN.

Vl AOyUAUiK FIELDS, just bcyuiid LiverpuoL i-'i Larue Lois, 5t 2uu, 'loirena, titfbt at city vtuU-T laid on, goou sou, grooving iin.ocr. rrive, evou. Au euotiit ruiuirtiu. no lUMttt cuaraeu. zo ucr week uays it otf.

Send for ulaua and uarticuuis; or tfo to jiacquane rieius anu sua air. twu*nttt, uw viuv taacr, ou tue iwute. U. PftlTCIIAHU, TeL, U7110. lite Uuduleaman, AUBURN.

A1TA PARK ESTATE' NO DEPOSIT RE OLIitKD. NO INTEREST CHARGED. 35 Bun a 1-aue Block. 2tl tier week Das it ou. i-acrt Lots, i5, weekly payments 2.

Uood soil. Theie is enough good straight timber on every block to fence it, uimj proviue an uie narawooti ior your cottagn, A limit 1.1 in 11a from Llveinonl or t'abminatta slii. Torrena Title. Citv water. "Pritcbard1 Proloniicd i-ayiuciiis rave tne rata to iTosperity." il.

I'lUlllAHU, U7110. The Undtalesman, AUBURN. sMOACHBUlLDLNa going concern, in flourish' Vy inrr district, no oouosition. 4 rma. W.h..

every convenience, workshop, jMilntshijir, 2u0 worth of stock, 100 worth of machinery aud tools, Laud 40 105, worth 0 per foot. Turnover 100 per montn. til Dcr wcea clear, ricnty or hi ope ior provement Owner leaving, will sacrifice the lot 01 IL PR ITCHARD, imw. The Undsalesman, AUBURN. CTRATIIFIELD.

Forced Salel An Ideal" Cottaife Ro-o sidence. hitch, choice near station, wide vestibule, entrance into lovely winter garden, large drawing, dining, breakfast, best bed room, with dre-ine-room. 4 other bedrooms, large kitchen, gas. fuel stovca, large iwuiroom ana siorrruonr. ot room.

Torrena. sraw. j. i. btiAn, uoutevuru.


Well-built Brick Cottage, 4 rooms and Superior Brick Cottage, 6 rooma and k. Superior Brick Cottage, 7 rooms and UJ0 Superior nearly new Brick Cottaice. 7 r. and k. ..1 7, 8, 0, and 10 roomed Cottages, up to 3JU3! Choice Building Sites, several fur Sale, 60 upwards.

STRATH FIELD. Forced Sale. Very superior and up-to-date Modem Bungalow COTTAGE RESIDENCE, choice nr. stat, 7 large rms. and kit, elc, 70 iw, lorrcjis.

fcmw. j. i. an a vy, iwuievani. S' TltATHFlKLD.

Superior New Brick Uunsalow Col- wv uttsc, viow: am nun, u'H riis, smnu tut, light, vcrr wills verandah, cant aspect, high, gd, loc. otitt a.iiza. i. oua Brick BUNGALffW ivj coitaue, uangor slate rooi, every coin 50 180, 075. J.

T. SHAW. Boulevard. TAN MORE. ki Splendid Position, near station, nuntleman'a P.esidence.

built under an architect. in splendid onler, and containa 6 large rooms, kit-then, bathroom, laundry, and all conveniences, land iQ 130, car entrance. Buyer should liispect this gooa nome, rnce, tutw, or oner. nnu uuim, rctenuiam, opp. siation, TtETKUSHAM: couvt-ment station, and near Atkllaon-road Modern Double-fronted Brick Cottage, alate roof, in good order, and contains drawing and dining rooms, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and otflce.

Land x- lou. Price, 875; terms arranged. ior, Lr.n ana iiUTL.1, l'ctcrsnam. opp. atation.

1 tETKlLSHAM. near trnm. and convenient to atatlon. New Brick Burigalow Cottage, elate roof, Obroua ceilings, eicctnc light, and ia right up-to-date' It i-uuiuiii drawinir and dimua rooms, a bcdrooiiia. kit chen, bathroom, laundry, aud every convenience.

The rooms are large auu lony. Ample iaaiu. Price, 1025; Easy Term. anu iiui i.r., retersnam, opp. station.

MODERN DETACHED Double-fronted COTTAGE, built of BRICK tm STONE, tiled roof, containing nuuxa, aitcoeo, jaiioury, uaturooin iiieateri. LAND. ttO lbO lo lane at rear. GARDEN. LAWN, etc.



COURT, 5 BEDROOMS, kitchen, pantry, etc. SLEEP- inu-uur At.JuaiuuuAiiun. MO i. Oil UAltAUti, nana room, etc UAimi-nt, LAn ABl eto. LAND.

242 149. TORRENS TITLE. PRICE. 2900. NOTE.

Can purchased with land 182 149 for PERCY G. SHARPS, City 7047. 107 Pitt-atreet WISH AM. Cottage, 8 and offices, land 40 iau, hvm. COTTAGE, 5 rttv, easy terms, 495.

GOTTAUK. 4 800, offer. ASIIFIELD. COTTAGE, new. 6 n.

and offices. 898. E. L. and gas, land 33 100, T.T., Term, 100 ucit mi per p.

aua i.t at oj per near tram termioua, and cloae to rlv. atn. Seven others. 4 ra. 805 ea.

Terms, 60, 228, at i p.c stany otnera, T. J. FOLKY, Real EsUte Aaeut, Lewisbam. OPEN ALL SATURDAYS. A CHEAP 1 10 Mil J.


CITY WATER LAID ON, large block of land, fenced and wire netted, ONLY 385. DON'T HISS THIS. R. R. EVANS and Dulwich UIU Tram Terminua.

STRATI IFlELD. Cottage, 6 enclosed back verandah, used as breakfast nook, front verandah and sleen'nc-oiit verandah 12 12. kit. ass stove. tuea oatnroom, ps copper, eiectne iigtit imo power, large block of land, well stocked flower and vegetable aarden.

The Cottnire Is in a man tMsitlon. of attractive desltm, and la moderately priced at etlOOU. King 1.0U4U. T7AU0LUSE. Villa Residence, corner tMMitlon.

brk. on atone foundation, Bangor roof, interior fitted poiiineti oak', very urge drawing, Diuiara, dining, 8 kit. all offlcea. lanre araroire. batliroom.

tiled. Inap. inv. H. SWAiN, 372A Pitt st DULWICH HILL, Jl'ST THE COSY HOME YuU WANT.

2 minutes to tram and 4 min. to train. Well-built of brick, D. -front containing wide hall, 6 tine rooms, kit, all outotucca, alate roof, Venetian vehicle enhance, land 40 140, Torrena. CHEAP at 800.

W. BUTLER, Real Estate Agent, iiuwicn tiiu. 1vEPOS1T 60." Brick Cottage. 8 halL Ut. bath.

pantry. 2 verandalis, fibrous ceilings, go atove, slate root, dock sewer, unu ze jov, ciose tram ana shops. Sat and Sunday. Rodd-road, Five Dock. 595.

T. TOWNSEND. GENTLEMAN'S Suburban Residence, handy to 3 receDtion-rotims. bedrooms, wide hills, nan- tries, large kit, laundry, modern conva. The property ia Burrounacu wnn nice grouriua, lawns, tennis court, ptc.

Wi have to unorlfieit ai 1.100. fnaniw inv. Ashley, Son, Stewart, Prop. Experts, Uockdale Stn. "IAN LEY VALE, haiidy railway.

7 acres, 550, terms- ivuuAitAii. rair vouagca, ftWio. a anap. KOGARAH. Land, 40 130, 80.

Cl.eap. Clients driven to inspect. WOOLNOUGH and JONES, TeL, 823. Regent-street, Kngarah. QAFE INVESTMENT.

For Pale, 2nd Mortgage, 250, ks n. hiiu a. vtBiuHiiuii, give margin 300. on best Property New Oanterhurv-mad. sham, rent value, 2 10 week.

Reaaonable Bonus, yvRUHMOYNE. New Corner Brick "Cottage, D.F.7"4 a Pnntr-' Pre. laundry, front uu oavr. TcraiiMMiia, cieuinc iignt anu sewer, Tor rens, 778. 275 deposit.

Corner Oippa and Bowman striata, off Lyons-road. Ts CoT! Go0ii PoaiUou, ldr95 7oT UUa 1174 Pet. A. D. MTTAR.

Petersham. pRHODKS-UUR'S Lota, rach 60 hlnaF hnltf hunt rurt (new JJOrJi fW. i Get In earlv. Box s37. p'n TRATHFIELD.

New Brick Cottage, 9 min. irom u- Wld verandah front and back, gaa and "I'ff OTine Avenue, BtTatnneia. I uric flbrou ceilings, SOTcelaln bath, atu atmra and P'c, pantry, Uwna, garden, fowl run, ate! 800, Aster, Hampden-road. Drummovns. ONOUEVILLE.

War Banra(n: nJTTWCS XJ 0 kit, offer wanted, 590 can remain n. vwmr, pox XSST, U.r.O, T3RICK COTTAGE, leaaehold, title, rant iter annum, ior atao. j. a. skrhiwuni wcniern.

OOOGEE Investment Cottage Pair, 1250 or Equity, 000t turnover 12. per cant net Apply A. B. OHandwick P.O. tt.n uric.

UJ.wp. elce. Heht. flbrou. ceillnee, eas and copper.

Tore. Douelu. im. Pet Cent, Oity Inveatment.

I Roum. tm 1 tav- tram Little Cnneee. 4 Ut, 'UtlTlid nb. er. .11 convene.

70 Holborrowt. MORTDAU, near stn. Und, 100 145, anyresa. 'V. nh.

Cimv Nonk. An'dalet. Ann.nA.1. on hern, beach. i 10.

15. White florae. Drnmmoyne. n.r. Rrlek Cottsre, 4 r.

and and f. atnvcs, 725. lernleleh, 15 jjobcrt-et FOifTlA'LE. C'ottsee, 0 Irfmeley-ly, Apnly Ma.enlte. Unley.ay..

Wawrley. vpv B'flimsT. House. and an' nflce IM. B.

Connolly, 113, Vlct.t. D'hunL mO Trustees. Oenulne Inveetmentr 8 Brick Cattneeji Newtown, Torrena, 3000. c.if.a.. nipwni ri it amir, n.i'1.

na. inture, ev. JJ aau- (uaft, buU tlaaa, Wtliar. WlalonM. New writ built nniPK mrTARR.

(11mI roof. hall. laree rouina, kilclirn, Uundry, pantry, bath, venin laha in -ut aut nw. tut no, ou UM, Wticr, ana aewtr. 019.


ITU 80 mid 1D M. UAKLINUFOltD, right at SUUwk tweilent View. ioon aou. in fuot. CBOMJLLA.

Bargain, frontfnf tramline. Only lew irn, luray 10 oeaco. irutn loot. ENFIKLO. DutldiniF KitM.

rat la tram. 926. tAUU'UNniliniiK Mountain Land, cheap. Cottage Sit ph and laruer an-aa, from 3ft. Cheep Hulldlnc Plocka, rlt alalinn.

inwiat riiiilha In 4T3f( frtim 20. IIUItl.STONK PARK, clone to Uulldlng oiip, ircm vii per loot. NKttlMXiT-l'ITTWATEtt. Choleeet SeWide Slocka, ri -a in itrai 3710 per block. NOKMAMIII'RST.

Rtralhfleld to llornthr vntcd Land, near tint ion, irooit drpth, up to U0 irej, imm -an per loni. Bpeciany uooo. RYDK, fll.ENRYOK, DAVIS, aiHl WATER VI KW finir fla m.l rfrntha from IS It. flirTKKU.ANl).r(H10, Front Inn Rail way. Handy two atatlom.

TRe Ita, from M. WENTWOirniVll.LK FSTATH, CIum Inta, from 20 foot. WAllltOONdA, alwiit 400 yanh from itation. -Deptha up lo 24) feet, from 40 iior foot. QUAKER'S HILL TOWNSHIP, RiRht at Station.

Large ijou, goou aou, from izio rocn. WB ASSIST "YOU TO BUILD, or wr wn.L nriLn for you, AND filVE EXTENDLI) TERMS OF PAYMEVT. Alto, Wrll-hiiilt CHtuge llomn, varlotia auburba. Stnalt IVpiwit. Ttahmre as Rent.

INTERCOLONIAL INVESTMENT 4) and fl Cantlercaffh-atrcft, nciir Ilunter-titreet. Office open Fri.luy Evenliiipi, 6 till S. NEW COTTAOK ANO ONE AC11K LAND, ItiKtit at Railway Station. QUAKER'S HILL. NeTt Station to Blnrktown.

WoM built O.K. Det. W.B. HOME, tiled roof, ball, 3 rooma. Lmid 1 acre, (rood aoll.

Only 410, famuli DcpoaJt, llalance aa Rent, INTERCOLONIAL INVESTMENT 4 and fl Ciiatlcreatrh.atreet, near Himter-atreet; or-V- 81 IKK WOOD, Hye-roud, on Estate. TX7IIY DELAY? On Job, corner Thlrdetrcet ami Holdemtreet, Hurletone Park. Juat off bottom Hanks-itrect, 3 minute II ur Intone Park Tram Ter-minua, 30 mlnutea Central lUilway SUUon. A Chauue miiwed aeldom occurs again. A Choice Nrw COTTAaB HOME, Bunjralow type.

IIIBt Otl flniNbinir. tlMima and nil nttlfML A lindrnnma. larite Uvinn-room, brrahfM-vouil. kiiutonelte, dlirwui i-eiliniri, nperior modi-m Aniah, nice ovrrmanteli, tilel fireiducea. tiled front vmniLilKi marlili rlec-trie IfKht, eleclriir Iron, electric rudiatnrs, km coi.pcr.

(rak aiove, uxrrt tuba. Nice lilork iJinrt, 33 Wti, alut l(rice. K. A reaponsible persm will ie MTnen on ine rany lenns or tiw aepoait, weekly payment 26 week, prin. and intemt.

A SUM RE It OF RMALI.ER MODERN COTTAflES. Just on flnlatiinir. and to be erected. 4 rooms, kit'lin-ette, ample Uml. Finiahed afmilar to above.

Price, 6)15. on 0 depoait, payment 22 a week, principal nil iiiirrnii. Apply Cliner Mr. NEWMAN, on job, Thlrdetrcet, nolden-atreet. iiurininnt i-arn; or Oretl.

Terrace road, Dulwlrh TH1L Pet 1812. Owner, EvanUron, Bland-atrret and Deninan-aveone, Hnberneld. Tetenhone. U1782. NOTE.

Rnyen arc advised to brin Deposit, ifl the above will not Inst Ions. The payments asked are only about the rental value, and aa llurlstone Park ia Riirh a proaresKlve anburh prices of Btiflilinjr are ln-creaiinir. Iliiyera now will stand a very good chance nf ciinsidrrnble proflt on present price they dr-slre aiur a time Men, iricpnone, unoa, ana imnKe' meets will be made to meet Buyers. Unequalled Opportunity to acquire THE FIRST -CLASH ROAUDINU-llOUSK KNOWN AS "l.F.UItA HOUSE," owing to the owner, thruuirh iU-healtb. giving up.

Thfa tirnnprl ha Inn ranlrml amnrta thm trail. ing houses on the Mnnitalna, and ia well-known far and wi-fe. The clientele ia extensive. The bouse is double storied, and commands some of the Cucst viewa on ine Mountains, la solidly hunt of retniorccu con frele nn the around fluor. and is thua excentlonnllv cool during the hot weather.

Situated within fuur minutes of uie station. The accommodation at present comnrises. on the first floor. bMlrnoins. drnwinir- room, linen-room, 2 maids' rooma, bithroom; wh'le on the ttrotmd floor are 6 bedrooms (some exceptionally large), bathroom, amoklng-toom, aitting-room, dining-room, kitchen, laundry, etc.

Outside are man's room and outhouses; gas, electric light, council water and ncwc-ium- are inBiaum, inere is a wen cuitivaicu (lower garden, vegetable garden, and alongside ia a large block of ground (tenced) to run a cow mid fouls. Same would alau be aultahlc for a school aa the ground in Biiiiu-iviii ivr a iciiiim court 10 tie. mane at very in it expense, aa the ground Is practically leveL For Price, further partlculitrs. O. W.

IIOLIMnTP and Cnin, Lwint. T3EECROFT. ONE OF THE BEST POSITIONS IN TTTTS BRIGHT, HKALTJ1Y DISTRICT, COUNTUY AIR Willi tiUii- itLNnAi.nw rnTTAfitt. Standing In Its own trrotind. Iiil nut tn nnfrn.

lawn, plantations, and natural fernery with cliuice ot ACRE, OR 2, ACRES, OR 4 ACRES, An ideal huliie. reDlete with evi-rv runvptilnnr. In. chiding wide slccplng-out vmudaha, and enjoyini; miirii iNcuHiiiH aunguiituiiKB. Septic tank, city water to bouae and garden, gas.

Only 4 MINUTES WALK OF THE STATION. FuTI partlmlara from IllCUAllDSON aud WUENCU, 02 Pltt atreet DENISTONE ESTATE SUBDIVISIONS, 8 minutes from ataiioo, rtgiit iwnij aide of railway from Sydney. SUBDIVISION No. few Lota left, 60ft frontage uy urge acpioa. rnce, rrom vm per loot.

SUBDIVISION No. l-BloekA, from 6flft fronUge by iaK ucpuia. rricra, irom ta per loot. TITIiE TORRENS, 10 per cent deposit, 6 years terms. Interest 6 per cent.

Ltthue. from QUEEN and 28 Moonvatroet. RAND NEW COrrAOE. Uaior liar -road. Conconl.

yj id section from Hurwood. Brick turk pointed, oangor sia rooi, vrramian two eiuea, easierty iiaitect, Ldrge dining and aitliug-room, arched, 3 bedrooms, battiroom witn beater, urea kiiut-room, kltcucn. gns tove, laundry, linen press and cupboards. Eltvtrio Ut'ht ttirougliuut. Large shed at rear, auo gardci uud lawn, Iind 48 feet.

A gift at o76. 150, uannre as rent. Apply the Owner, DAVID SnATKFXs Chain Ilouse. lNAFR INVI'TMENT. Pair of Modern Cottaaes.

with to electric light and gas stoves, let to tlrst-rlau terants, returniua; ui per anaum. rnce cidu. easy Terms. A SHOP and DWELLING, hamty to Bond! Junction, let to irond tenant, who is willing to take 6 vcurs' Imsc. Pried 7501 easy terms.

Good chance fur a Butcher. WALTER nUSnand i 2 Queew-itreet. Woollnh ra. "vT a A I1E EN. A rare Opportunity.

That lariro lie- IN sidence known as Ocean House, conulning 0 lsrge rooms, kit, laundry, balconies, motor ganige, stables. and land naving a ironiave oi un to ucean-street, tn aold. Private Sale, separately or 1 lot: faclnir ami overlooking that beauMful recreation reserve recently resumed uy ine nimiiKin nunc uimitii, nuti overnioK. tug the mouth of Namheen Lakes, and surrounding hills. Eirelleut surfing, fishing, boating.

Apply to Otlice. iff i. asuereagn -street, city. T'ENSINOTON ST1L, Fischer-st (opposite Rittel JA. Hanire).

1 min. to tram stOD. A llmutiful Home for Buainesa or Retired Ocnt Artistic Brick Bunga low, i Kit. i eic-i Ka stove anu eiertric; Uu-liL flh ceil inns, folding doors. fi()lt vera, lawns back and front; bones in every oeun; no agenu; Attn.

u. Til lUUIUtS-UUItb, Phone, Rsndwick 1849. Fisoheietreet A UBURN, Weatherboard COTTAGE, 8 rooma and J. iriifhrn. all conveniences, handv to station.

atvl water connected, land 83 a 182, Torrcns Title. PRICK 450; deposit zoi weeaiy paymenia ai, to include interest. AUSTRALIAN BUILDING COMPANY, 10 Castlprcagh-strect Svdnev. Brick Cotta. In erection, one "almost front and back large block innd.

litill ueep, vm. aupvct, mil to iront. W)6; 2S 22 per week, prin. and int. W.B.

Cottage, 3.10 10 depoait, 100 per week. Will build aim purcnaeer. inni-js, U4757. Liverpool -road, Burwood. T5NavA' Deposit New Brick Cottage, tiled rooff'sj 120, I rooms, kitchen, bathroom, gaa copper, two verandans, owy one cottage icru Anoly on lob, PP W.

B. PRK. nardv-ftreet, off M'irrlvprle-riMil, HonrH, lota. ISO train runs'" through the Estate. 10 mns.

from stu. UcUllwl roads. Uilv water. Scores of Ik ees on miutc. 50 each.

1 1 monthly. No Intent for tt months. Torrena line No mortgiige. uur own lami. Ajmiuil ULAtK nuiu, i lay ana iieorge atreets, iiaymai Ket, IIACINO MEN.

COTTAUE, W.B., rooms, all J-V veniencra, gas, water, sewcnigc, hrge vard, 8 loow-boxca, cement doors, sliding ducn. Jockey looms. lami lie, i hip i urri: li. cmmii, uurgiun, (L'0. tVnrth AflO.

MAWER. LoUth. Obemn-aircct. sick (near Rifle Range). Or Lot 326 week.

WOY WOY. For SALE, Week-end or 8ummer Real. Ipiii t. L'oltnire. nuthouses, nenrlv 8 arm I nosl, close to water, fixlting grounds, handv Uonford or W.

Woy. Uood ferry service. Good chance man tmall means. Particular. sr Elmo.

Woy Woy. rvf ItATl I Fl ELD T. "SHAW n.lM..: to TIwiho In search of real I sond value In Plif in ihia fnvourite district shiaiid iiijwt tlie lung tJ icaily (irstclasa HOUSES, COTTAOK, and LAND I can offer. Kome Bargains, Forced Sales, Very Eaav HABERF1ELD, Uurdcn bale, Model OF brick Cottage, Mom, kitchen, and others, gs' eicclrie light, lawn, ornamental flower beds, kitchen' garden, ffTotmda 160 i 103, Price 1(X mav re'i''" nt M''''rt Hnbcrfleld. Lini.K umjutu Dtacn ana Burnt streets.

New BUNGALOW, sals. 1250. 3 rooma. entrance hall. niia-a, vmiriv iiui, nuuiure, iwiir, copper.

Will, VI I'll, easterly ainect Annlv on Inh. WASTEft to Sell, or Exchange for Kngltan 'or Continental Fnuity av, showing 11 tj on Bk. Cottage, Cbslawnod, value Cm. Drta-h nf enr apply to 103 North -read, KMcrnwfek, Vlctorn, UUIIHTVILLE, 8 Mini, Htatlon. W.B, COTTAGE, 8 ruiiins, Kit, etc.

Never been occupied. Fluster through. IW. 50 pay r.ff rent, 8 per rent. or rash.

48 Dnunmuyiie nrummuyne. 'Phone, 2S6 mtr.r, a errs, ij mue iiegcnrs rum miles Terms or Cllnll. nnnannntiln nrT nn. u. PADDINGTON.


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

Is The Sydney Morning Herald left wing bias? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is Sydney Morning Herald known for? ›

Award-winning investigative journalism. Independent. Always. The Sydney Morning Herald sets the standard for journalistic excellence for Sydney, Australia, and the rest of the world.

What is the major newspaper in Sydney Australia? ›

The two main Sydney newspapers are The Sydney Morning Herald, which was founded in 1831, and The Daily Telegraph, founded in 1879.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

What is the political affiliation of the Herald? ›

The Herald (Glasgow)
Front page for 11 January 2020
PublisherHerald & Times Group
EditorCatherine Salmond
Political alignmentDevolutionist
14 more rows

Is the Sun Herald and the Sydney Morning Herald the same? ›

The Sun-Herald is an Australian newspaper published in tabloid or compact format on Sundays in Sydney by Nine Entertainment. It is the Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald. In the six months to September 2005, The Sun-Herald had a circulation of 515,000.

How popular is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

What did Sydney used to be called? ›

The cove was called Warrane by the Aboriginal inhabitants. Phillip considered naming the settlement Albion, but this name was never officially used. By 1790 Phillip and other officials were regularly calling the township Sydney. Sydney was declared a city in 1842.

Why is Sydney so important? ›

Because of its history as a great port and its status as the site of the country's main international air terminal, Sydney is perhaps the only city in Australia with a genuinely international atmosphere.

What is the most reputable newspaper in Australia? ›

Australian Financial Review is the country's most trusted newspaper brand, study finds.

What is the conservative media in Australia? ›

Sky News Australia is an Australian conservative news channel owned by News Corp Australia.

What is the highest selling newspaper in Australia? ›

Circulation of print newspapers

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia. Based in one of the country's two major cities, Melbourne, it is the result of the amalgamation of the original Sun and Herald newspapers.

Is the Sydney Morning Herald a national newspaper? ›

It is considered a newspaper of record for Australia. The print edition of The Sydney Morning Herald is available for purchase from many retail outlets throughout the Sydney metropolitan area, most parts of regional New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and South East Queensland.

Who created the Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Herald, founded by three English emigrants—William McGarvie, Alfred Ward Stephens, and Frederick Stokes—was first issued as a weekly in 1831 and became a daily in 1840.

Is the Sydney Morning Herald and the age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Is the Herald Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

Is Boston Herald liberal or conservative? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
Circulation25,000 weekdays in 2020 73,913 Saturdays in Q1–2 FY2013 45,833 Sundays
9 more rows

Is the Boston Globe a left wing newspaper? ›

About The Boston Globe's Bias Rating

The Boston Globe is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Left.

Is the Daily News left or right leaning? ›

New York Daily News
Bias RatingLeft
TypeNews Media
1 more row


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.