The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

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THE SATURDAY MORNING LAA1111A im iftLqii6 Wfr 0 Sacr mento Bee tot Vol 3803 1 Founded 1857 I Oc FINAL EDITION SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA Saturday March 3 1973 4 Sections 62 Pages Arab Terrorists Slay US Sudan Diplomats TimesPost News Service KHARTOUM Arab terrorists have executed the American ambassador in the Sudan Cleo A Noel Jr and his deputy George Moore after holding them hostage for more than 24 hours in a Khartoum embassy They also shot the Belgian charge d'affaires Guy Eid who was reportedly severely injured and possibly killed A US embassy spokesman in Khan to exchange them for moe than 60 Palestinian guei rillas currently held in Jordanian prisons and for Sirhan Sirhan the convicted assassin of Sen Robert Kennedy President Nixon said the United States would not bow to "blackmail" and after the deaths were confirmed declared the killers must be brought to justice Jordanian officials also had refused the terrorists demands The Sudanese army had surround-See Page AS Cal toum said a Sudanese army officer who entered the Saudi Arabian embassy saw the bodies of the two Americans but reported that the Belgian envoy was still alive although badly wounded The officer said he tried to persuade the guerrillas to allow the Belgian to leave but they refused Later the Belgian was reported killed The slayings occurred about 24 hours after terrorists invaded the Saudi embassy and seized the five envoys attending a party They offered I ik ''''-at i' I 411) Ii' r' l'- I I 1-1 1 1 -4" t- i -30----1 4: f4 4 I'' f-'' )li 0 4:0 4: I e9't it td 7: tr- -i- 4- -k io I ''''''''I''' 1 -t '1 i I r'- tkt 1411N 1: i t- i i 1( rep4- 1- tb4 1POt to7-k ---p 7 a11 Li Fs 41 --4 1 ammuseemo 47''' 1 'N' ji 1 1: 1 2 3 e- 0 3t3' et ii A o' i F2'' lk 11 4 48 i 1 1: ''N- 400' 1 N-i i I it 7 8 1t kki A' -re d- "A 1 '0' -4 -e :44616 11' l' 7 o(e': s06f 7 2:: i A-' -x 44444: 2: 14j: -f 7-- i i I 4144-: c-- 11 -'0' It -w -t "vi 1 N' A (14-'''eiji'''''''''' 7' 01111-'t 'kiIi'' f4- 1 4 'i'i i ti 1 -4- I- 4 i ii ikeliiVi11zit4k Li Angry Nixon Denounces Slayings Calls For Justice by Arab African and Asian countries Reagan Comments In Sacramento Gov Ronald Reagan said the assassinations were ''brutal murders" He added that the slayings were "outrageous acts of savagery and barbarism which are an affront to every American and all decent human beings everywhere "Justice demands swift punishment of the assassins and a stop to the slaughter of innocent Americans abroad" halt international terrorist acts" "We must resolve and press forward on the work begun last fail at the General Assembly" Sca li said to a prepared statement "The world community must no longer shirk its responsibility to face up to this critical issue" The assembly in December blocked US and western proposals for preparation this year of a treaty providing for the punishment or extradition of international terrorists It voted instead for study proposals sponsored Lucinda Yoho of Sacramento who tonight mill be crowned this year's Camellia Queen in a ceremony at the Wood lake Inn pauses while ironing her gown to pet her eat Lucinda was selected as queen during the Metropolitan Chamber of Conunerce's annual Camellia Presentation Breakfast yesterday opening day of the 10-day Camellia FestiVal See story on page A6 Bee Photo by Robert Jacobs Big Day Is Today Three-Man Panel Hears Praise Criticism Of Controversial Judge Nominee Clark From AP and UPI reports WASHINGTON President Nixon angrily denounced the slaying of two American diplomats by Palestinian terrorists in the Sudan Friday and said the perpetrators "must be brought to justice" In a statement read by White house Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler the President said: "This tragic event underscores once again the need of all nations to take a firm stand against the menace of international terrorism" Ile said it was "with the deepest sense of grief that I have learned of the acts of terrorism which took the lives" of US Ambassador Cleo A Noel and Deputy Chief of Mission George Moore in Khartoum Nixon said "the United States is emphasizing its strong feeling that the perpetrators of this crime must be brought to justice" "I know the American people join me in expressing our deepest sympathy to the families of these diplomats who have given the last full measure of devotion in service to their country" he said Action Is Uncertain Ziegler declined to speculate on what moves the United States was contemplating But he noted that the US deputy undersecretary of state William Macomber Jr had flown to Khartoum to advise the Sudanese on measures of releasing the hostages Shortly after issuing the statement the President ordered flags at the State Department and all US diplomatic posts abroad flown at half staff until the interment of Noel and Moore Ziegler also said Nixon had asked Macomber to make arrangements for the return of the bodies Rogers Reacts At the State Department spokesman Charles Bray said Secretary of State William Rogers has issued a statement in Paris where he is attending the Vietnam conference In his statement as read by Bray Rogers said "no words can express our shock and grief at the senseless and barbarous murder of Ambassador Noel and Mr Moore" Rogers praised the two diplomats as "men of great courage and dedication who served their nation with 1 3 I 4 I A i --i 1 lc: 17i177Truner4'9 ie -4c)i Whi ig4s'y''I'' nIfl 4 6N 4 At 7 -si t- I -k)-t i s-vicio tf-iP A 4: 7:4 :4 4 x3 e-1414 4414r Ibti i km? 40' IV 6 1 -''31'1-it -91 '4' Air i flw 411tr I's IA -0 ki i' 1' a I fC" i i'z 1 I 4 1 ifei Af'4144 -4-1 Nk-- fl4t 1 7-' 4' I i v- 1 7 i'4 75 1:4 ii 5- 2 I '-1 4't" 1 Vi t'44'''' 4 ''''r''' i b0e1-'74i: 7 4 '4 VW'S l'' 1 1k' 414'110'W 4o' -'4 1131Mk'' 4: 4 th tt36''' '4' se I $N-it1 4 -4 '4va 4 I 4c 4 Vt' :4 iiY 1 40 igt (71:4 1 'I' '-Ave 11 7 "--V4 -I 8 11111 Y' 2L' 1 he and Att Gen Eve Ile Younger and Appellate Court Justice Parker Wood would meet again in chambers at 8:30 am today hind the 41-year-old former executive secretary to Reagan "William Clark is one of the most thorough able people I've ever known" said Weinberger who worked with Clark when both served in Reagan's administration 'Snobbish View' "lIe has served the governor and the state very well The only thing I've heard against him is that he lacked a piece of paper (a law degree) This is a narrow snobbish view "I endorse him in the strongest possible terms" The State Bar Board of Governors See Page A8 Col 1 By Lee Fremstad Bee Capitol Bureau Chief SAN FRANCISCO California Supreme Court nominee William Clark Jr was praised by a member of President Richard Nixon's Cabinet given a carefully worded clearance by the State Bar and described as "undistinguished" by a critic yesterdoy afternoon After 212 hours of testimony along this line the three men who will accept or reject the controversial candidate named by Gov Ronald Reagan met in private for a half hour and left without announcing a decision California Chief Justice Donald Wright who heads the Commission on Judicial Appointments indicated 1 Decision Pends A decision on whether Clark a law school dropout without a degree and with only four years on the bench would join the high court was expected later this morning More than 200 lawyers law students and others sat and stood in the Supreme Courts blue-draped courtroom to hear a total of 24 witnesses testify why Clark should or should not be confirmed Sixteen of them including Health Education and Welfare Secretary Caspar Weinberger were be Oscar A Mellin outside the courthouse after decision Bee Photo Calaveras DA Judge Lose Court Fight With Publisher A-Plant License AEC Sets Hearing On Rancho Seco Newsodoers Service SAN ANDREAS Superior Court Judge Ralph McGee says an editorial written by Calaveras Enterprise pub usher Oscar A Me Ilin may have been -silly ill-founded and in bad taste" but it was not slanderous or contemptuous of the local justice court as charged by Dist Atty Orrin Airo la and Judicial District Court Judge The application of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District to opente its Rancho Seco nuclear generating plant will be scheduled for a public hearing before an atomic safety and licensing board the Atomic Eenergy Commission announced late No date has been set for the hear ing but the board will meet in Sacramento on March 15 to establish the hearing date and to consider legal petitions that have been filed The meeting open to the public is set for 9:30 am in Room 3410 of the Federal Building Call For UN Help The US ambassador to the United Nations John Scan said Friday the executions represented a new "demand on the UN community for meaningful and effective action to In The Saturday Morning Bee Scene A New Section Will Appear In The Bee Howard Blewett McGee ruled late yesterday that Mcllin 73 could not be charged with contempt for his editorial comments on Blewett's handling of a case involving a dog that allegedly trespassed on Blewett's garden The case in Superior Court lasted just 25 minutes The editorial published Jan 17 stated in part "In the latest incident this one in the San Andreas court we have the ludicrous situation where the judge (Blewett) deliberately had a neighbor's dog trapped and then hailed the dog owner into his court set the bail and then tried to sit in judgment on the case" Continuing the editorial said "In our view this gives credence to some lawyers' opinions that our local judicial courts have a strong resemblance to kangaroo courts" Me llin who is also the inactive senior partner of a San Francisco law firm has campaigned editorially against the practice of non-attorneys serving as justice court judges Me Ilin was represented by Amador County Counsel Richard Robyn and American Civil Liberties Union attorney Coleman A Blease McGee is a visiting judge from Amador County Superior Court Following the decision Main said he would not editorialize on the ruling in his case but will continue to -put the pressure on" matters of public interest including the justice court Airo la indicated he will consider appealing McGee's ruling a decision he should make in about a week or so The $250 million Rancho Seco plant under construction on a 2480-acre site 25 miles southeast of Sacramento will use a pressurized water reactor and have a net electrical capacity of 913000 kilowatts Construction was authorized by the AEC in Oct of 1968 "We have not heard anything of the hearing plans yet" Dave Caplan general counsel for SMUD said late last night "but it's certainly right and proper that the plans should be reviewed by the AEC It's a safe plant and we intend to satisfy everyone that it is" The AEC said that petitions to intervene in the hearing had been granted by the safety and licensing board to eight Sacramentans One of the eight Homer Ibser 2670 Kadema Drive said one of the main issues is the emergency core cooling system The other Sacramentans planning objections at the hearing include Judy Phillips Dick Gregory Patrica A MacDonald George McAdow Bruce Mc Nitt Ruth O'llearn and Myrna Schimke The petition of another Sacramentan Edward Frisby was denied by the board but Frisby was invited to make a statement at the hearing An AEC spokesman said that any person who wishes to make an oral or written statement may request permission through the secretary of the AEC in Washington DC (20545) by April '2 World North Viets pledge return of all US POWs Al New dollar plunge sets off crisis meeting in Europe B7 Nation Study links air pollution to heart lung ailments A9 Doctors say Sen Stennis Olt recover fully from wounds A9 State and Local Study says state energy crisis will multiply B8 McCloskey testifies Pentagon Papers did not hurt US security B8 Amusem*nts Al2-13 Boyd Column A17 Bridge A5 Business And Finance B6-7 Classified Advertising C2-16 Comics A10 Editorials A16-17 Horoscope A10 Metropolitan News Obituaries A7 Politics By Rodda All Religion A 15 Skelton Column -k3 Sports B1-5 Television And Radio A5 Vital statistics C2 Weather A8 1A'omen's Activities A14 Beginning Monday The Sacramento Bee will introduce a new section to its daily editions: Scene Edited for women for men for the young and the not-so-young for the single and the married Scene has something for everyone Basically it is a section given to living and to the art of living to style and to life styles First and foremost it is a section about people what they like and do not like what they do and why they do it It will include news about what is happening on the social scene: in fashions male and female in the performing and the graphic arts in diets and dieting in the culinary arts: in show business Hopefully each edition will have something for the entire family The introduction of Scene will bring another change to the reader's habits For some years the editorial pages have been anchored at the end of the first section With the introduction of Scene the editorial pages will be moved to a new position: To Section here the pages will be brought into close proximity with the local news pages Follow the scene in Scene beginning Monday Weather In 24-hour period ended at 4 am today the maximum was 63 the minimum 4'2 The relative humidity at 4 pm yesterday was 46 per cent Forecast: Fair Today's Chuckle It is much easier to borrow trouble than it it to give it away JP(.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.