The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)

Anniversary soc ETY Services in Butte Churches Old Faithful Legion 7 Unit Meets BOZEMAN, Nov. 26. Several Bozeman women, representing the local unit of American Legion auxiliary, went to West Yellowstone last Latter Day BalnU James Ryan, assistant. Masses at 8, 9:30, 11 and 13 noon, MONTANA STANDARD SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1 949 ton and Mercury itreeU. Church school.

10; worship service. 11. onurcn scnooi at iu a. m. in oe Sun.i-., Juulul buu mediate departments.

pre5ldent 2228 Harrison avenue, tele-worship at 11 a. m. Rev. Wallace nhon. i' i usn, pastor; Kev.

u. naoiioy ana study phone at church, 8710. Morn- "ZTntAJi ncert. Included in the mimical Rev McCarthV( asslstants. tag worship service at 11 a.

m. at 7-30fP- m- Wednesday, Pri-Campbell. Profram be a seonette by the MassM at 8( 9( 1Q and ft and scho0, afc 9.45 Beroasi mary association meets at 4 p. m. A ri 11- I in ti Nay' Congregational MITEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, corner Edwards.

Rev. Carl L. Sullenberger, pastor, residence at 2514 Bayard; Moulder' chUrch tendent. school superln- Christian Sclenct FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. f.niENTlST.

229 North Montana: corv1oe of 11 oh. at 9:45 a. testimony meeting Wednesdav at 8 reading room, Mptji Rant hniirtini. emnn V-- I f'w fill 1 i I I liiuiii SI ll'J 'W of Birth Is Observed LIVINGSTON. Nov.

26. Lew Williams -celebrated hla 70th birthday anniversary Friday, Nov. 18, and to mark the occasion was the guest of honor at a party given during the evening hours by Mrs. Williams In their ranch home at co*kedale. A buffet supper was enjoyed after which dancing and cards gave diversion and cake and coffee were served at a late hour.

Mr. Williams, a well-known pioneer resident of Park county, has resided on the same ranch for 67 years, having come to Park county with his parents in 1882 at the age of 3. Present were the Williams' daughter, Mrs. Carl Nickelsen, and granddaughter Adeline Nickelson, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Williams; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Williams and Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, and Mr.

and Mrs. William White and daughter, Karen White, Linda and Jimmy Mums, Barney Kezer, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mofcch-enback, Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Senter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones, Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Barry, Jim Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardgrove and children, Bobby and Sharon, and Henry Pressley. Mrs.

Carl Eblen Entertains Aid BELGRADE, Nov. 26. The Federated Aid society held its meeting Nov. 17, at the home of the president, Mrs. Carl Eblen, with 25 present.

Mrs. Beatrice Freeman Davis, of Bozeman, was the guest speaker, and her subject was "Travel from Trams to Planes." She made a trip to Europe last summer. Mrs. Richard Thunem and Mrs. Clyde Williams had charge of the devo-tionals.

Lunch was served by a committee headed by Mrs. A. M. Sandbo and Mrs. Ben Hespen.

The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. W. Hesnen. week to make an official visit to Old Faithful unit of that town.

Mrs. R. H. Morrow of Bozeman was especially honored at the meet- ing in her capacity as district presl- dent. Others mak ng the trip from Mrs.

T. N. Counter, Old Faithful unit president, presided at the meeting held recently in White Sul- phur Springs. Mrs. Robert Hurless gave this report and also presented awards which had been won by the unit for work accomplished during' the past year.

The unit won In the classes of history, program scrap- book, department of Montana com- petition for membership and the na- tinnftl eomnetitlnn for memhers. Tentative plans were made to sponsor a girl to Girls' State, which is held annually In June, and the unit voted to assist in furnishing Ice cream for school lunches. Mrs. Morrow was the guest speak av uawsIU-UK, vanillic Jk KXiC work accomplished by auxiliary units er at the meeting, telling of the during the past and stressing the need of vigilance at the present time to combat subversive and Com munis elements. Mrs.

oeisnaw ae- scribed the blood donor program re- cently instituted in the county and sugges1ti ons tor the west leiiowsione unit narr.1r.1naT.1nn Precedlne the afternoon session c.v4 nere inciuaea Mrs. ueorge tseisnaw, Mrs. Brooke Hartman and Mrs. Paul daily except Sundays and holidays, superintendent. Morn-from 10 a to 5 p.

all Invited worship, 11:10. Mrs. J. Harry to services Davies, choir director. Mrs.

Harold Subject: "Ancient and Necromancy Alias Mesmerism and meets afc RuEseU Morrison, Denounced rvi r-f a. i nn ni in nwv Rooney Rev, Brown, assistant. Anthony ''f: A wiOMier oi rerpetuai neip every Tuesday at 8:30. 6:18 and 7 and 8. PATRICK.

Washington and Anthony every Tuesday at 8 a. Mercury; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eng- 12 n00n' dVOtlan ta honor ot St na to .0 Bl 0 m' ST.

JOHN THE EVANGELIST, Majors and Whitmeir, Rev. J. Leonard, pastor; Rev William Gan- non, assistant. Masses at 8. 9.

10 and high mass at 11. 8T. LAWRENCE OTOOLE, 1306 North Main; Rev. Peter F. Mac- Donald, pastor; Rev.

Jamea O'Brien, assistant. Masses at 7:30. 9. 10 and 11 o'clock. Christian SHORTRIDGE MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN, corner of Washln- Anaconda 1 hi IITnPQ Cedar a GRACE BAPTIST 501 street.

Sunda? school at 10 o'clock ITse'rvSatl-ls1 ReV services at ociock. Kev Frank Wilton, pastor. ST. PAUL CATHOLIC Cherry street and Park avenue; Rev J. Hvnn Rpv Vm iPt lironpv n.i1st.

int paSors. aSes onTundS at 5, 6:30, 8, 9. 10 and 11 o'clock ST. PETER CATHOLIC Alder and Fourth streets; Msgr. John B.

Pirnat, pastor; Rev Emmett O'Neill, 8lmon, assistant pastor. Masses on Sundav at 5 7-45 9 10 and 11 o'clock. commercial avenue- telephone 204; Lieuts Melba Frazer and Geneva Simmon officers in charge. Com- meetinar. 10 :45 a m.

Holiness meeting, 7:30. Open air, 8 o'clock. Hypnotism, Episcopal ST. JOHN EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rev. Thomas Ashworth, rector; Miss Violet Laity, organist and parish sec.etary; Miss Inez Haskins, church school director.

Services for Sunday, Nov. 278 a. m.t toe Holy communis: 9:45 a. children's Eucharist, followed by church school; 11 a. choral Eucharist and sermon.

The annual HOLIDAY VISITOR Miss Kay Ashley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Ashley, 2719 State, who will leave today for Missoula to resume her studies at the Montana State university, after spending Thanksgiving with her parents. Miss Ashley was accompanied by Miss Camille Olson of West Virginia also a student at the university, who was a guest at the Ash- 0u hnme corporate communion tor men ana Main street.

Fred Anstice, minister. boys will be held at the 11 o'clock service. The Right Rev. Henry H. UNITY METHODIST.

66 Leather-Daniels, D. bishop of Montana, wood, Meaderville; Rev H.vB. Rlc-will be the preacher. etts, pastor; Miss Gwenn Mitchell, Sundv school superintendent. ST.

PAUL EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Morning worship, 9:45. Miss Emily corner of Warren and Mercury Sherman, organist. 4-l Tr-t Am a A Class of Members Joins Legion Auxiliary; Activity Reports Read land, Mrs. Norma Hunt. Mrs.

John Sweet Pea Rebekah lodge met Pnrf I 1 ror Nov. 15, at the Odd Fellow INoJJIICU Mabel Robinson presiding in the ClJ. I i V-eanr nt Vi nnV1j (rronrl Mn IjV ID I I fj P. I P.C. I IS CAPPED Miss Marilyn Perkins, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. O. A. Perkins. 2407 Harrison, member of the freshman class at Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing, in Nampa, Idaho, with a class of 19 students received her white nurse's cap at a ceremony held Monday evening at the college church of the Nazarene in Nampa.

The caps are given in recog nition of completion of elementary period of nursing education. Mrs. Perkins and her son, Harold, after attending the ceremony and-visiting Miss Perkins for a couple of days, returned home Thursday. Miss LIVINGSTON, Nov. 26.

Virginia Smith, bride-to-be, was the honor guest at a dinner and eve- nlng of cards Friday at the home u. on wesu uwu. jun. jonn ungSDy was co- hsess eated at beautifully appointed tables cen- tered with deep red pompons and i liHw i ws servea a. omu 0 clock.

Contract gave diversion, three tables being In play, and re- ceiving me nonors were Miss eiie Grigsby, Mrs. E. O. Orleman and the guest of honor. Miss Smith was 1 TirPSRnrpn u.

nvAv btitt. Trntn we hostesses. arav- Pfia Feted at Party WISDOM, Nov. 26. Mrs.

Earl Willey and Mrs. Margaret White were co-hostesses on Saturday at were co-hostesses on Saturday Salvation meeting. itude." In connection wim tne eve- t.u p. cnoir practice. Tnursaay, ning service Lord's Supper will be 1 p.

general meeting of the FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, served. K. Y. B. club for boys and Women's Society of Christian Serv-SCIENTIST 316 Oak street Sun- giris Wednesday afternoon at ice.

Hostesses, Mrs. H. Mees, day morning services at 11 o'clock. 4 o'clock. The annual offer festival Mrs.

B. B. Bywater, Miss Inez Tripp, Sunday school at 9:45 Wednesday night testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room open Tues- day5 oaturaays irom i untu rv'nl nftr yva. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST ptfth and 8treet8.

ert Keus- teri mtoister. Service every Saturday at 11 o'clock. Sabath school at 9:45 o'clock. Young People's society meeting at 3 o'clock. rnTTTBrfobv the Rolander.

sun jlaiitist nRST BAPTI3T, Broadway; Rev. Roy 201 West E. Barnett. a. ounany a.

worship, pastor's sermon subject, ine ureaa oi LAie lurvii. music, anthem by the choir, "Thou Crown- the solo. "The Creation uvmn vr Athoorn -fin 1J vnilt; 7-is-n jvv J- organ vespers, Mrs. Florence Jor- dan. 7:30 p.

the choir under a nrtrjf fT Mft TJ Eton. v. lv will crvt thrtr mnnfhlv KBrfrt Eay 7 Boy Sts ifs'o pP; Clrcfe No i TwTll meet at the Fellowship Center with Mrs, Goss hostess. Tuesday, 8 p. circle No 3 will meet at the home 0f Mrs.

Beatrice Blewett. 309 Silver Bow Homes, Wednesday, monthly business meeting of the church in the Fellowship Center, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, 6:30 p. senior B.

Y. f. cabinet meeting in the church nfflr-P Thi.rsrlav. 7:30 n. choir rehearsal, Catnono 3T.

ANN. 2641 St. Ann avenue; Rev. J. J.

O'Connor, pastor; Rev Leonard Spraycar, assistant. Masses at 8, 9. and 12 noon, no- llTTJl JSZ Tuesday at 3 and 7:30 p. m. HOLY SAVIOR, 1901 Leather- wood; Rev.

Michael Pirnat, pastor Mfl. and 10:20 a. services in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows each Friday at 7:30 p. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION -d tn: bert O. Hoff.

Dastor: Rev. William E. Morley. assistant; Rev James Gannon, second assistant; Rev. Francis Burns, superintendent of rchoHn education.

iu.ou ST. 71 St. Helena ave- nue, Meaderville; Rev. Frank L. Harrington, pastor; mass at 9 o'clock.

SAfrR.m. iteart. 363 East Park: Rev. Edmund Taylor, pastor; Rev. Albert N.

Kaparich, assistant Masses at 7. 8, 9:30 and 11. ST JAMES HOSPITAL CHURCH. Rev. Frank Harrington, chap- lain Mass at 6 a.

m. ST. JOSEPH, 41 Utah avenue. Rev. James osnea, pastor; Kev.

Leader of Lodge 4. rU4- VISITS L.nQpTe. LIVINGSTON, Nov. 26. Kath- erine Smith, grand chancellor from Mooseheart, 111., made her official i.M-nr.fA nv.onfAf xt women of the Moose, at a special meeting heid Sunday evening, Nov.

14, in the Moose hall. visiting officer was the guest of honor at dlnner served by- the JLDlt WJ J-U illKo UUiA Lliaf 4iu 1 order of Moose preceding the loayc raecmig, wijjuu wuraicu i 7 p.m. 1 tT. on nnrltrp spn nr recent, nre- sided and four candidates from Liv- --o r-- aed and four candidates from ingston and two from Big Timber 8 6 were given the obligation. adaress to tne loage me granu chancellor spoke on what the Women of the Moose are accom pushing at Mooseheart and Moose- haven.

Wisdom Girl Will Attend Meeting WISDOM, Nov. 26. Miss Jewell n0n Anrfprsnn lpft. Butte on the a-. MUWaUKee tram iuanKSglvuig eve- nmg to represent tne Jaig jnoie t-ti ciub at the Livestock International on.

d.H Natinnal LAlU)lViVll congress held in Chicago from Nov. 26 to Dec 3. She is a state heaith winner and is one of the 30 eiri. E0jne from Montana. Last year Kay Thompson attended those eatherine making two years in sue- cession for a Big Hole 4-H.

ciud member to win this recognition. Catholics Say Sweet Dreams and Frightful Nightmares Fit for girls and old men, for Deonle too young to know the real meanine of life, people so old that matter of pnyslcs calculus and geometry-mathematics. It's a mat- of curves and triangles, of plot- rces stre6S mi tension- And mathematics, when you get right about which there can be no argu- fW. -nA twft "1C no1n-: ptr If a man tries to tell Pf' aBrmna" beato to think he's out of his wits, be- cause they're self-evident structutt earth our ability to think, and our sense oi ngnt ana wrong. The religious person has good reasons backing all i mo ucucio ive been trying reasons Which we have to unfold in the course of these articles.

If you would like more informa- tion on what Catholics say about this or any otner topic, piease write i. rATTifiT.Tru sv StK Coiiege Xavier, Kansas So it is with religion, that vast which raises us from heaven. It looks endlessly hut of if rpcfa nn CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. 2210 Flor- ence avenue. C.

W. Hanm, branch meeting. 9:50 a. Sunday school. a.

Aaronlc- priesthood meeting, 11.50 a. sacrament ml'. 5' P- m- T7 OMOf Arri nfr au ulcra Miltiin.1 Tmnrnvompnt. oc.nrt.Hni. Methodlst GRACE-SILVER BOW.

Arizona Second- Rev- H- B- Rickette. Sunday school at the Silver Bow church on corner of Grand and Thornton at 9:30. Mrs. Howard Rice, superintendent. Sunday school at in cnurcn, Mr.

H. W. president. Study class of the W. S.

C. S. meets at the home of Mrs. Harold 1121 East Second Suydam wlU conduct the euuuj MOUNT BETHEL, 1609 North Main, Walkerville. Fred Anstice, minister.

Sunday gehool ljM Rlchardli guperintendent TRINITY METHODIST, 971 North ouiiaay sunooi, MISS uwenn Mitchell, superintendent. meets at the church. Franklin War- ren, president. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Montana and Quartz: Richard Lungren. minister.

10:30 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 27. First Sunday In Advent. Sermon: "He Is Coming Soon." 11 a. Sunday school.

Monday, 7 p. Boy Scouts. Tuesday, 8 p. Pheebe Ferris at home of Mrs. Lungren, 315 North Montana; assistant hostess, Mrs.

Alice Lorenz and Mrs. John ancoc. uevouons, jvirs. weDoer. study, Mrs.

Massey. Wednesday, Mra. Murl Gldel, Mrs. R. H.

Wearne, Mrs. Esther Johnson, Mrs. Walter Parker, Mrs. Fred Williams, Mrs. John Rodda.

Mrs. Guy, Bliss, Mrs. a iam1.i a ham wa Wm A. L. Bertoglio.

Sponsor, Mrs. J. G. MediUtion Mrf RaI 2 SchSS baS l25d 13 comer of Parked Mate LOWELL AVENUE METHODIST, corner of LoweU and George strpets. Pastor, Rev.

E. j. Bracsen. organist Edwl-nuncan ana cnoir director, jiawin uuncan. tto FIRST CHURCH OF TEtE NAZ- ARENE.

Texas and Marcia: Reeular Sunday services. Presbyterian FIRST PRESBYTERIAN, Broadway and Idaho, S. A. Worcester, superintendent of church school; Don P. Klntz, director of music; Miss Carrie Worcester, organist.

Serbian SERBIAN ORTHODOX, 840 South Idaho; Rev. Filip Sredanovich, DMtor gervices every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Sunday scnooi every HoturlftV at 9-3o a m. Spiritual SILVER BOW SPIRITUALIST, 1456 jjewey boulevard; R.

G. Guest, president. Services Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Miscellaneons ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH.

Ma Montana street: E. M. of YMCA. P- W. M.

aU ladies Invited; Thursday evening. 7:30. U. aU young people hivited. Sunday 10 m.

Sunday school; 11 a. Sun- P' m- Ice. The publlo Is cordially Invited to attend these services. FINNISH GOSPEL CHAPEL. 730 T.

i imjuiuouicm, pastor. Services Sunday at 7:30 Pl and Thursday at 7:30 P- m- Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Service meeting every Friday at 7:30 p. m.

ii.n i rajuo j. aij unuttun, Mercury; Rev Beulah Brown, pastor; Mrs. Ted Hegstad, Sunday school superintendent, Sunday school, 11 a. evening services, 8 p. m.

Everyone welcome. 6A.VA11UN ARMY, u. East Broadway. Major and. Mr A.

Aro, corps ofXloers. H. 1 atki n- .1 a bridal shower given in Wisdom at rNOTeS DirThdaV 1 1 1 Mitphell, Mrs. Jack Moyle, Mrs. Edgar McDonald, Mrs.

Donald Peterson and Mrs. George Heisick. Two transfers became members of the Irvnl nnif Mr. Tno transferring from- White Sulphur Springs and Mrs. William Smiley from Pullman, Wash.

Memhfr hn icfr. th fh. Initiation ceremony were Mrs. Pete Duranceau, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Elmer Kansala, captain of the drill team; Mrs.

William Pentillo, Mrs. Stanley Gales. Mrs. Paul Carter and Cecelia Keifer. Mrs.

R. H. Morrow was installing officer; Mrs. William Davis chaplain; Mrs. Kenneth Railey, musician: Mrs.

Vernard Hanson, justice; Mrs. Roger Rogney, freortnm' AAr Rorr riHffin Aamnn- racy; and Mrs. Charles Farrington, loyalty. Mrs. Jules Liaunais was a guest at the meeting.

Refreshments were serVed at the close of the meeting v. 1 ku 0. vtij, u-'jiajLvi- by Mrs. Guy Henderson, Mrs, Floyd, MCAiiisier. Mrs.

Ham Aiiora. Mrs. narriSOn Oiri I "jf ir i rif I uwwi 1 iv.j vj iuv HARRISON, Nov. 26. Miss Nola Eldredge, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.

Eldredge, and Louis Maack, son 0f Mrs. Ida Maack of Ellendale officiated at the ceremony. The bride, attired in a gray suit with black accessories, wore a cor sage of yellow roses and was at tended bv Mrs. Donald DeFrance. T-i v.

aisi-ei ui me unucgiuuin. xviuiittiu i woirnaye was Desi, mail. A wedding supper was served at the home of Mrs. G. Nell in Ponv.

Twpnt.v.t.wn cnipsts j.t.t.p'nf.pd. 1- The bride attended school in Har- and was a member of the graduating class pf 1949. The groom attended school in North Dakota. The couple plan to make their home in namson. GuestsEntertained Over Holiday MANHATTAN, Nov.

26. Mr. and Mrs. Truitt Spangler and daughter, Carolyn came from Simms to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with his Darents. Mr.

and Mrs. Rov Snan- elers. Thev were joined here for uie uiiiiiiuiuiy oauaing ior miss Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis, of Dil- inrnrnr I lorn rioimhtct.

at ion, wno Decame tne oriae or Jfeter White on Friday, Nov. 25. Lunch- eon was served at 1 o'clock at 11 nicely appointed tables. This was louowed oy cards. Miss Davis re- were served birthday cake and coi- rj were married Monday after-ceived many gifts.

fee by Mrs. Tudor. noon' at the Lutheran church in Three Forks. The Rev. Fredericks I Cherry and Fourth.

Sunday school ajjQ dine ciass 9.1 iu iuuiu- 7-45 o'clock Meetings everv service ociock Meetings every Friday except third at 7:45 Rpv 1 Burkey. pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN Oai and Sixth streets; Bible school at 10 a. m. Communion service 10:45 a.

m. Rev 5 Heim pastor ST. MARK EPISCOPAL Corner Main and Sixth; Rev. Fred J. Kepler, rector; 'Mrs.

Alyce organist; Mrs. Edwin Sletton, choir T. E. Johnson, Sunday school superintendent; Sunday school at 9:45 a. communion at ii a.

m. cvciy ouiiuay, a. win- j. mumon or ursu ounuays, muiuiiis prayer other Sundays. FL3ST BAPTIST-Corner Locust and Fifth streets; Rev.

Grind- helm. Sunday school at ociocs oaoruiug wuiamy a. -v ociock. young peoples mceuug 6:45 "Clock 9eB0YS and 4 BOZEMAN, Nov. 26.

unit No. 14 of the American Legion auxiliary initiated 13 new members at its last regular meeting. At the business meeting held in connection with the initiation ceremony. Mrs. Charles Farrington presided and called on several members for re- ports of standing committees.

Luc i namDbell renorted on the district meeting held recently in White Sulphur Springs; Ver- nard Hanson of the membership committee reported on eligibility of prospective members; Mrs. Bert Griffin gave excerpts from Gun- ther's book "Inside Latin America." Mrs. Tom Daly explained the roppy program and Mrs. Wayne Railey requested gifts for the gift shop at ill wnrr, Hnmsnn rnr npr commiuee on rehabilitation work. New members initiated were Mrs.

R. D. Arpin, Mrs. Grace Bennett, Mrs. Neil Bratton Mrs.

Alfred L. pale, Mrs. Donald Speith Mrs Ben- amm uerry, vimton Mrs. Susan Tudor wnvrnf axt Mr. cucan hut.

u. uuoau Tudor celebrated her 91st birthday Wednesday at her nome at zib Koch. Many friends and relatives called during the day to extend con- gratulations and good wishes and b.l.i. KeDUS Use the words and pictures to discover the products and imports of Albania hidden here: DO VOL! IW YOUR j. 0 REBUS: Cotton textiles; Olive oil; Fish; Sugar and Coffee.

CODED MESSAGE: Tirana the capital of Albania. MIX-UPS: Four seaports; Few schools. CROSSWORD: Gallatin GIRLS CORNER wig tvev. school directors: R. caterra.

Service for Sunday, Nov. 2711 a. children's service followed by church school. Evangelical Mission Covenant COVENANT MISSION, 1027 South Main. Rev.

Andrew Magnu- son. pastor. Sunday school at 10 clock. Take the family and come every Sunday, We have classes for all ages. Morn- Ing service, 11 o'clock.

Sermon topic, iTue u-rautuae." evening service, 7:30, sermon topic, "Christian'. Grat- 0f the church will be held Thursday, nee. 1. A eood nrogram will be giVen after which refreshment will be served. The offering will go to 11 1 iirn1nAiH Lutheran mANUEL WTcELICAt LU- SiSfta- SfsiS! SaStef MiTs EsS SLSm rnninn rv rp at 11 o'clock rinv Kfhnai at fi-41.

Luther leasue day scnooi at wiener le ague at the churnh narlors. uintitAiN onunun, Rroarfwav sundav school. 10 rv1- ii m. Dorrance N. Jensen, pastor.

Women's Mission- ary society, group A meets the first Thursday of each month at 1:30 p. m. and group meets the second TSlflerl of ft rv Tuesday evening, Nov. 29, at 8 o'clock the Rev. Paul Graf of Min- neapolis will speak at a special serv- Ice.

The Rev. Graf is stewardship secretary of the English Evangell- cal Lutheran synod or the North- west. The Women's Missionary so- ciety will meet Thursday, Dec. 8, nf thp nrpvlnnslv onnminrpH Hof frt" tVa T.prorviKaY ma.Hn. a w.nw the home of Mrs.

Gesine Slack, 1117 Cobban. Mrs. siacK win serve a dui fet luncheon at 1:30. Mrs. Louis Dotzl is in charge of the Christmas program.

All women are' invited, but cney are asKea to leiepnone out. bacK tney pian to attend. GOLD HILL LUTHERAN ship service at 11 a. sermon by Dr. L.

N. Field, resident of Rockv e.30 Vun or choir at 6-30 dasses meet Saturday The SS meets at A Se second clSs a 2 Communion service at 1MU11W111C- ri.prkp nas- streets ArnoM E- GlerKe' pM IU1 adult Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. thl study vej.y profitable. as many iners wl" "1B we will study Article of the Augs- ourg tui.coiun, winv-n the doctrine of the holy nistor The worship service will introduce the new church year, the first Sun- day in Advent.

The Sunday school teachers meet Tuesday Nov. 29, at p. m. me juiuui Wi.i rln. mpfU Wednesday.

Nov. 30 at 6:30 p. and again on Satur day. Dec. 3, at 9:30 a.

m. uinin aec a 11 a in uiirsi 111 k.iv W. J. Reeder, who Is visiting her children in Washington. Officers for the coming year were nomi- nated, and will be elected at the next meeting Dec.

6. -auu. a inompson, mts. uuve reiron. ana rH Mr.

Charles MetcaU received word of the passing of her son-ln- i ilnAil I 7 t1Aff 17 1 1 eri. i ZTi rrnJ 7h xel, Nov 1L at the hospital in lng Beach, after a long tmxKoa. i--iio v. LaPorte, by plane and in- rermeni maae in im iamuy piot tnoM ha Am eiirrn taA nxr qHta there. kfua.

Mj wt his little daughter having proceeded 1 nan in death ny two years. Mrs. Troxel is the former Juanita Say- lor, a resident of Belgrade for some Metcalf. Parents of Girl tony, Nov. 26.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Marshall of Avon, are par- -1 1 1 Mrs.

ciji ut a utius-iuct uui 11 iiuv. 10 ni -o- has been named Doris Jane and Tn invr imr nosnirjai I no no nv comes as companion ro a protner, Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Frances Welch and Clair Mar shall visited at the hospital Mon day.

Crossword ACROSS Note in Guido's scale 4 Competent Huge tubs 7 Compass point I Courtesy title DOWN 1 Balkan country 2 Roof edges Change Electrical term fllSTORY POSERS: 1 At Lexington and Concord. 2 Federal Hall, New York, April 30, 1789. The Federals led by Washington, and the Anti-Federals led by Patrick Henry. 4 Pennsylvania, No. Captain Sutter did.

RIDDLES: 1 His toupee, a Because when they take a picture they begin with a negative. 8 Flattery, i His mother can't lick that fur away. 5 took a fly. JRIA-VGLE: ALBANIA LEASED BAKED ASEA NED ID A REORGANIZED CHURCH OF Church, E. L.

934 Placer street Trygg, pastor. Sunday services: Sun-JESUS CHRIST OF LATTERDAY Fred D. Dommer, pastor; Miss day school at 10 ft Morning Wor-SAINTS Meeting at the Advent Mary Edgar, organist; Mrs. Govert at Evangelist service churoh, Fifth and Aid' r. Church Dyke, children's choir director; Miss at 7:30 Wednesday.

Young school at 10:30 o'clock. Preaching at Carol Christman, accompanist; sen- people's service at 7:30 p. m. Friday. 11:30 o'clock Sacrament service the ior choir director, Mrs.

Vernal BlDie stu(lT an(j prayer 7:30 p. m. first Sunday of every month. Worn- Klevgard; Mrs. Bernard Betherton, Everyone welcome! an's department meets the first and accompanist; Sunday school super- third Fridays at 2:30 o'clock Elder intendents, Mrs.

Govert Dyke and BAHAT FAITH, Fireside chata Joseph Beck, branch president Leo Evans. open to the public every first, sec-Sunday school at 9:45 a. wor- ond and fourth Tuesday, third floor Thanksgiving dinner by Mrs. R. W.

they can no longer knock any fun pastor; Miss Janice Hlggins. organ- Mountain district of E. L. C. Formal BETHEL MISSION, 15 East Sil-Fisher and Miss Katherine Fisher out of living religion.

Pipe dreams, jjt. Mrs Frlgaard. Sunday school installation of the Rev. Fred Dom- Rev. A.

H. Downs, pastor. Sun-of Bozeman and Suzanne Spangler nourished on molasses and sooth- meets at 10 a. morning worship mer as pastor of Gold Hill church day school at 1 p. m.

Svangellstio who has been with her grand- ing syrup: heaven! at 11 a. m. will be conducted by Dr. Field at services at 8 p. m.

Bible mother, Fisher for a two weeks visit. But'religion is far from that. Re- this service. Field will also Tuesday and Friday at 8 p. All John Hofman and Dick Heys, ligion is a system of interlocking FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Fourth speak at the supper meeting of are welcome.

Unified worship serv-residents of the Holland settlement truths, which can be reduced to and Main streets; George L. Van Lutheran students to be held in the ice at 9:30 a. m. Morning prayers, sailed Saturday from New York facts known to all of us by lmme- Bockern, minister; Archie McPhail church Sunday evening. The Luther school lesson and a message by the city aboard the S3 Veendam en diate personal experience, Sunday school superintendent; Ar- ieague meets Sunday evenings at pastor, route to the Netherlands where i.

cw tnur Ltodblad, choir director; Mrs. 6:30 o'clock. Scout troop 17 meets iffJnMiSo VP Monday evenings at 7 "o'clock In CH OP Idaho and four months. Hofman who came to Jtri very combated hol at Mornlng the church basem*nt. rehear- Mercu streets Lane, pastor i thSe UaUX it's a ii- niSJOry rosers This set of questions deals with American History.

1. Where was the first battle of the Revolution fought? 2. Where was the first Presidential Inauguration? Do you know the date? 3. What were the first two political parties? 4. Is Valley Forge in Kentucky, Pennsylvania or Maryland? 5.

Did Captain Nutter discover gold in California? Riddles 1. What is Jack Benny's best-known item of overhead? 2. Why are photographers disagreeable? 3. What is that which makes everyone sick but those who swallow it? 4. Why does a kitten cross the road? 5.

What did the spider do when he got on the plane? Mix-Ups Rearrange the letters in each of these strange lines to form two facts pertaining to Albania: POUR OR FEASTS FOOLS CHEWS Triangle Here's a triangle hanging from ALBANIA: The second word is "rented," the third "cooked In an oven," the fourth "on the ocean," the fifth a "boy's nickname," and the sixth "a hereditary unit." ALBANIA A I A Coded Message Decipher the simple code used to conceal our message about Al- Shqnni far ifd hxohjzk nf rtanphi. Je" mnrnuig ir xi he Her 0J?" visiting relatives in Michigan for 1 SLZJttoi Arriving at the. Gallatin airport OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN Fifth flnri nhpst.niit. Rev Theo Neste. METHODIST Corner Oak and Third streets; Mra Royal Barnell.

choir director; Ray Gustafson, or- gntet: Be'- Elmer Robison. min- ister. Church school at 9:45 o'clock odist Youth Fellowship at 6 o'clock. Btreei peiwcen wius. ouu maui.

m- thur E. Linzey. branch president. Sunday school convenes at 10:30 o'clock. Priesthood meeting Sunday Boy Scouts at 7.30 clock inursaay.

pffi3T LUTHERAN 524 Cedar, gervlca at 11 o'clock Sunday 10 0.clock. ueloi. Peter- son 0 REDEEMER LUTHERAN (At Our Savior Lutheran churchh served Dy tne Kev. i. v.

inaiacser tv-. im Rimdflv -X0 'hip at 9 a. m. j. a Ptmn ni.

Ar-T. Friday foUowing a five-week visit that straight line is CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of MARK LUTHERAN (Synodl-with relatives in Friesland province, 1'. txuom tn LATTER-DAY SAINTS Eighth nn. irwTTT 1 TTt rTmTw tnrt Uiuic wtwo i .1 n.rii i AO. WILiLOQriC.

IVII17 jvemnj nJT1' ice at 11 a. and church night at dom Hal, 433 south Main street 7:30 p.m. All adults are encouraged Wfttehtower Ktudv everv Simdft, Rt to attend the Sunday morning Bible xheocratio ministr -i B55QCianon av uwuv xucouajr. aj nnn.msm- XT.U..-. TK in.

Schaper and his son, Peter, of the Holland settlement. Ill health prevented Mrs. Schaper from mak' ing the trip. Pythian Sewing Group Meets IJMA. Nov.

26. The Pythian Sister Sewine club met At the Dirfhlan hall Nnv 1B Thprp wr 16 sisters in attendance. The after- noon was spent playing cards and visiting The high score for pinochle was won by Mrs. Ann Swoboda, low, Evelyn Burt, all cut. Ethel SS Mrs.

Jean Jensen. AT Sf Ar.

The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)


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