Stardew Valley Ducks (2025)

1. Duck - Stardew Valley Wiki

  • Duck Feather · Duck Egg · Duck Mayonnaise

  • The Duck is an animal that lives in a Big Coop. Ducks can be purchased at Marnie's Ranch for data-sort-value="1200">1,200g or be hatched by placing a Duck Egg into an Incubator, taking .mw-parser-output .durationtemplate{margin:2px 5px 1px 2px;display:block;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .durationtemplateinline{margin:2px 0 1px 2px;display:inline;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .durationtemplate img,.mw-parser-output .durationtemplateinline img{max-width:none} 9,000m (5d 16h 40m) to incubate, or .mw-parser-output .durationtemplate{margin:2px 5px 1px 2px;display:block;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .durationtemplateinline{margin:2px 0 1px 2px;display:inline;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .durationtemplate img,.mw-parser-output .durationtemplateinline img{max-width:none} 4,500m (2d 21h 40m) with the Coopmaster Profession. A duck is able to swim in bodies of water on the farm.

2. duck - Stardew Valley Forums

  • More results from

3. Duck | Stardew Valley Wiki - Fandom

  • Duck is an animal in Stardew Valley which produces Duck Egg every other day once mature, and Duck Feather after reaching a good relationship with the farmer ...

  • Duck is an animal in Stardew Valley which produces Duck Egg every other day once mature, and Duck Feather after reaching a good relationship with the farmer. The Duck, which will be unlocked when getting a Big Coop lives in the the coop. Ducks can be purchased at Marnie Ranch for 1,200g or be hatched by placing a Duck Egg into an Incubator, taking  9,000m (5d 16h 40m) to incubate, or  4,500m (2d 21h 40m) with the Coopmaster Profession. A duck is able to swim in bodies of water on the farm. After

4. Stardew Valley - Pixel Duck Pin - Sanshee

5. Like a Duck to Water - Stardew Valley - Nexus Mods

  • Apr 1, 2023 · This mod changes collision logic for ducks with regards to water so there are more chances for them to swim normally (the standard farm map will ...

  • Makes ducks actually want to swim in water once they have been fed and petted; also makes water tiles more accessible to ducks and adds friendship points towards the farmer when ducks are able to swim

6. Ducks, Duck Eggs, and Duck Mayonnaise | Chucklefish Forums

  • Mar 13, 2016 · Ducks are actually worth less than Chickens, because Gold Duck Mayonnaise appears to be impossible and/or does not exist.

  • So, it seems that Ducks are rather pointless once you have the CC finished. A Duck is almost always going to net you less profit than a chicken, for...

7. Duck Egg - Stardew Valley Wiki - Fandom

  • The Duck Egg is an animal product obtained from a Duck. It may be placed in a Big or Deluxe Coop's incubator to create a Duck. Duck eggs may also be ...

  • The Duck Egg is an animal product obtained from a Duck. It may be placed in a Big or Deluxe Coop's incubator to create a Duck. Duck eggs may also be available at the Traveling Cart for 285g-1,000g. A Duck Egg is an option for the Animal Bundle in the Pantry. Duck Egg is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the Green Jacket Shirt.

8. Duck Feather - Stardew Valley Wiki

  • The Duck Feather is an animal product obtained from a Duck with sufficient friendship, mood, and daily luck. It can also occasionally be purchased from the ...

  • The Duck Feather is an animal product obtained from a Duck with sufficient friendship, mood, and daily luck. It can also occasionally be purchased from the Traveling Cart for data-sort-value="250"750–1,250g. Additionally, if the player is married to Emily, she will occasionally gift one to the player. The Statue Of Endless Fortune produces one Duck Feather on Leo's birthday, Summer 26. It can also be gifted by a pet cat with max friendship.

9. Best coop animal? | Chucklefish Forums

  • Jan 23, 2019 · I've been away from stardew valley (RDR2 has really gotten a hold on me) and not finished my current run. But when I do, I am going to go ...

  • Void chiccen, chungus, ducc or chiccen? I mean most profitable with the most work put in, since I have auto collector thingies I have no issue with...

10. Coop Animals - Stardew Valley Guide - IGN

  • Dec 11, 2021 · How to Get Ducks ... After the Big Coop is done, go to Marnie's Ranch to purchase a duck for 1200g, the animal will be sent to your farm, where it ...

  • You can have various animals inside the Coops on your farm. In this Stardew Valley Animals guide, you'll learn which ones are the animals you can have in

11. Like a Duck to Water Continued - Stardew Valley - Nexus Mods

  • Apr 6, 2024 · Notes: This mod should work with any modded animal that can swim, if such a thing ever exists. It should work with any farm map that has proper ...

  • Makes ducks actually want to swim in water once they have been fed and petted; also makes water tiles more accessible to ducks and adds friendship points towards the farmer when ducks are able to swim

12. Stardew Valley players are delighted to discover that ducks can now ...

  • Apr 28, 2021 · Stardew Valley players are delighted to discover that ducks can now swim in ponds ... Although it was added in the 1.5 update last December, some ...

  • Although it was added in the 1.5 update last December, some fans are still unaware that our feathered friends can now take a refreshing dip.

13. How to Make Ducks Happy in Stardew Valley - Playbite

  • Ducks in Stardew Valley love being outdoors! Make sure to let them out of the coop into the fenced area when it's not raining. Also, don't forget to feed ...

  • Ducks in Stardew Valley love being outdoors! Make sure to let them out of the coop into the fenced area when it's not raining. Also, don't forget to feed them either by letting them eat grass outside or by placing hay in the coop's trough. Petting them every day also boosts their happiness significantly.

Stardew Valley Ducks (2025)


Are duck eggs worth more than chicken eggs in Stardew Valley? ›

Surprisingly, your Duck Eggs sell for the same amount as the Large Eggs laid by Chickens. Each sells for a minimum of 95 gold, but like every Animal Product in Stardew Valley, it is important to note that prices fluctuate depending on the quality of the product and the profession you have chosen.

What is the secret duck mayonnaise Stardew Valley? ›

In the back of the Stardrop Saloon, there is a room filled with casks. Behind some of the casks on the left is a small grey box. By putting Duck Mayonnaise inside the box, the player will receive a mysterious statue called ?? Pinky Lemon??

How many days does it take for a duck to grow up in Stardew Valley? ›

After the Big Coop is done, go to Marnie's Ranch to purchase a duck for 1200g, the animal will be sent to your farm, where it'll take five days to grow.

Is it worth having void chickens? ›

Void chickens are not significantly more useful than other chickens, but they are a more useful variant than blue chickens as they continually produce void eggs. Void eggs can also be used in the mayonnaise maker to make void mayonnaise.

What is the most valuable coop animal Stardew? ›

In addition, it's easy to focus my coop on chickens because chickens are the most obviously consistent and profitable coop animal; the dinosaur and rabbit, who make product far less frequently than chickens or even ducks, mainly exist to be cute and provide nice gifts.

What animal makes the most money in Stardew Valley? ›

#1 - Pig. Generating income from pigs in the game differs from some other livestock in Stardew Valley that only requires them to be happy and well-fed to produce. Instead, you must release a Pig outside the barn for the animal to find Truffles during the right seasons.

Are ducks profitable in Stardew Valley? ›

Beautiful Feathers and Valuable Eggs

Ducks are definitely a fun animal to get when playing Stardew Valley. They lay their own eggs, which can be turned into "duck mayonnaise," and they even drop feathers that can be sold for 500 gold at Iridium quality or used in tailoring.

Can you put chickens and ducks together Stardew Valley? ›

Coops can house a wide array of animals; however, not all Coops can house the same types of animals. For example: The Coop can only house chickens. The Big Coop can house chickens, ducks, void chickens, golden chickens, and dinosaurs.

What does the lonely stone do in Stardew Valley? ›

The lonely stone is not an area, but it has a location on the Stardew Valley map. Upon clicking the lonely stone on the map, a rock sound effect will play. The lonely stone also hasn't been mentioned by any villagers/characters nor is there any lore about it mentioned by ConcernedApe or hidden in the game's files.

Who loves Duck Feather Stardew Valley? ›

Villager Reactions
LoveElliott • Leo
NeutralAbigail • Alex • Caroline • Clint • Demetrius • Dwarf • Emily • Evelyn • George • Gus • Haley • Jas • Jodi • Kent • Krobus • Leah • Lewis • Linus • Marnie • Maru • Pam • Pierre • Robin • Sam • Sandy • Sebastian • Shane • Vincent • Willy • Wizard

What to do with pinky lemon in Stardew Valley? ›

Pinky Lemon is obtained by placing Duck Mayo in the Locked box in the Saloon. After placing Duck Mayo inside the box the player obtains ?? Pinky Lemon??. He can then be placed anywhere on your farm.

Do void chickens lay void eggs? ›

The Void Egg is an animal product obtained from a Void Chicken. Initially, a Void Egg can be obtained through a random event involving a witch. The random event can occur as long as the player owns a Big or Deluxe Coop that is not full.

Do ducks swim in water in Stardew Valley? ›

A duck is able to swim in bodies of water on the farm. After update 1.5, ducks were given the ability to swim on bodies of water around a player's farm, though is an uncommon occurrence.

Can you incubate duck eggs Stardew? ›

Hatches eggs into baby chickens and ducks. The Incubator is a tool used to hatch eggs. It comes with the Big Coop and the Deluxe Coop, where it appears to the left of the Hay Hopper.

What's the point of blue chicken stardew? ›

Aside from appearance, blue chickens are identical to regular white and brown chickens. One subtle benefit to this alternative color is that blue chickens are much easier to spot in a field of grass.

Is it worth selling animals in Stardew Valley? ›

However, there's one final way to generate money from an animal, and that's by selling it. Selling a baby animal immediately will lose players a lot of cash, but breeding and selling happy animals is one more way to make a profit on a Stardew Valley farm.

Can ducks and chickens live together Stardew? ›

Coops can house a wide array of animals; however, not all Coops can house the same types of animals. For example: The Coop can only house chickens. The Big Coop can house chickens, ducks, void chickens, golden chickens, and dinosaurs.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.