Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

will may Tonr Sat by DE 80. the in wick Mrs. at HERBERT G. BERRY Kee Fat, Mrs. Ruth Sang Won, Mrs.

Herbert G. Berry, 51, of Schofield Lucy Von, Mrs. Lillian Von, Mrs. Gladys Barracks: born June 28, 1898. Provi- Won and Mrs.

Marrietta M. Won; 17 dence. R.I.; died June 22 at Tripler grandsons, 27 granddaughters, 10 greatGeneral hospital. grandsons and 13 great granddaughters. Services over the ashes will be held Deceased came to the islands in 1880.

at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Borthwick She was the widow of Won f*ck Hin. mortuary with the Rev, Charles Hannan of Kaimuki Christian church officiating SEGUNDO ARELLENO Full military honors will be held at 11 Segundo Arelleno, National Cemetery No. 66, of Mill Camp a.m. at graveside, 5.

house No. 10. Walalua. Oahu; of the Pacific. Mrs.

born in P.I.. died June 24 at Walalua He is survived by his mother. hospital. Angeline M. Berry: sister.

Mrs. Ted Friends may call after 4 p.m. ThursR. Hopkin of Honolulute a daughter. Francisco, day at the residence, Procession leaves Mrs.

James Petchel of San the residence at 3:45 p.m. Friday for and a granddaughter. services at 4 at Waialua Catholic church Burial, Puulki LAU SHEE cemetery. arrange. Borth.

Rooke mortuary is in charge of WON Shee, of 2636 Won Lau ments. 12. China, Oct. in born Kwongtung. 25 1869: died June LYDIA M.

DU BOIS Friends Lydia Macy Du Bois. 87, of Ka8 cohe Bay born in Illinois, after a.m.. Sept. 1862: died at 1:20 a.m.. June 27, at at Borthwic urday Francis hospital.

mortuary, where Services over the ashes will be held services Bur- 4 p.m. Thursday at Oahu Nuuanu held at 2 p.m. King rematory chapel with the Rev. Charles ial. Yee of Kaimuki Christian church ofcemetery.

ciating. The family requests that no She is survived owers be sent. Borthwick mortuary is five sons, Harry Sin charge of arrangements. Vun, Albert K. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs.

Alfred S. C. Vun, Simms, of Kaneohe Bay and Von, Clarence randdaughters, Mrs. Ann K. and Ray Hilo, Hawaii, and Mrs.

Won Stubenberg, John Belmond C. Won; inger, of Honolulu. Mrs. Du Bois was two daughters, Mrs. Lucy the widow of Louis Du Bois.

Ching and Lau ance Miss Frances Von: a son-in-law. ABUNG DUNG Ching: six daughters-in-law. Mrs. Won Abung Dung, 61, of 760 9th born Obituaries Joseph Kim Of Honolulu Is Safe Joseph Kim, Honolulu businessman who went to South Korea several weeks ago on a combined business and pleasure trip, has left that embattled country and gone to Tokyo, according to word received here, His Mrs. Joseph Kim of 3097 Kalihi St.

received a message from her husband which said he was safe. Tuesday morning she got another message from Tokyo which said. "Arrived Tokyo safely." Feb. 26, 1889, at Hanapepe. Kauai: died at Queen's hospital June 27 at 8:45 a.m Friends may call at 9 a.m.

Thursday Nuuanu mortuary. Procession leaves at 2 p.m. same day for services at Catholic cathedral at 2:10 p.m. Burial. Nuuanu Memorial park.

He is survived by the widow. Lingtai S. Dung: a son, Richard: daughters, Mrs. Margaret Wongham and Mrs. Ellen Lam; brothers, Allen Dung (Vancouver.

Wash. and Peter Chock (China): sisters, Mrs. Ah Sun Tsing (China) Dudley and Miss Ako Dung: grandchildren, Wongham. Barbara Ellen. Valerie and Richard Lam.

Deceased was a bookkeeper at Alexander Bald50 years. He was the oldest emplo' win. and a resident for the past the firm with over 41 years of service. Mrs. T.

F. Sedgwick Dies at Home Here After Long Illness of 1621-L Young a sed kamaaina resident, died Tuesday morning at her home after a long illness. Services will be held Friday at 4 p.m. at Williams mortuary with the Rev. Henry P.

Judd officiating. Interment will the family plot in Stockton, Calif." MRS. SEDGWICK the former Miss Grace Darrow, was born June 21, 1872 in Corning, and came to the islands in 1899 to teach at Kohala seminary, waii. She came from Buffalo, N. where she did kindergarwork.

was graduated from Lake Erie college in Ohio. In 1901 she was married to Mr. Sedgwick and had served as his secretary for about 48 years. From 1903 to 1908 she lived in South America on a sugar planwhere Mr. Sedgwick was tation, special mission.

She crossed the isthmus before the Panama canal was built. WHEN MR. SEDGWICK was Mrs. Thomas F. Sedgwick, 78, 3 QUART Special PITCHER, In our China, Glass and Gift Department $449 Here's one you'll have to see to believe! Beautiful "Forest SET OF 8 ular Green" price glassware $2.49, for set, only regFOOTED TUMBLERS You'll ask: "How can we do it?" The agswer is we have purchased a large quantity of these sets.

And we want you to know about the fine lines we carry in our new china and glass department. Also, we wanted to show our appreciation for the way you responded to our recent special offers. So, for a limited time, come in and get your big 3-quart pitcher and set of 8 footed tumblers for $1 less than regular price. Remember, these are genuine FOREST GREEN made by Anchor Hocking Glass Co. At this special price they will go fast, so come in and get yours right away! Mail orders promptly filled (Add postage) Boysen Nanother BOY SEN China, Glass Gift Dept.

1661 Kapiolani Blvel. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 AMPLE -IN PARKING Phone 96281 or 96283 Restrictions On Quonsets Voted Three code amendments a require spebuilding, cial permits move second-hand gounset huts 1o, other surplus war buildings into residential districts were passed on second reading Tuesday by the supervisors. All received unanimous approval, and were ordered published. The three bills replace one presented earlier by residents of disprotesting the use of such structures by schools and churches in their neighborhoods. The original draft was reported faulty office.h city-county attorney's honorary vice consul for Spain Honolulu, she also helped him in his work.

She was for many years active in the Lyric Ensem ble of Honolulu. Surviving are the widower, son daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Sedgwick of Seattle, and two grandchildren, Thomas Farrington Sedgwick and Richard Sedgwick.

New HRT Bus Preview Will Be Held This Morning will receive, of the Acting Governor, Oren. E. Long people of Honolulu. one of the Honolulu Rapid Transit new, specially designed and constructed hill-climbing buses during a presentation ceremony in front of Iolani palace, this morning at 10. During the ceremony, members of the board of supervisors, public utilities commission, other government officials and officers of community associations, as well as the public, will have the opportunity to preview this newest unit of the Silver Fleet.

The colorfully decorated bus, and three others comprising the first of a shipment of eight, will be placed in regular service on the Alewa-Pacific Heights and Makiki-Round Top lines starting Thursday. The 30-passenger buses, manufactured by the Brill Co. of Philadelphia, and powered by the International Harvester Red Diamond engine, have been successfully used on the hills of Pitts: burgh, Pa. Others who have received personal invitations to the ceremonies are: Mayor John H. Wilson, Police Chief Dan Liu, Deputy Chief of Police George Farr, Capt.

A. S. Harper, Supervisors Manuel C. Pacheco, Noble K. Kauhane, John M.

Asing, Richard Kagevama. Milton Beamer, Chuck Mau and Ernest Heen. PUC Chairman J. M. O' Dowda, PUC members and staff members, J.

H. Hughes, John H. Kangeter. Charles Fraga, W. H.

Wright John S. Runkle: Ralph I. Price and Jack Burns, traffic safety commission. Representatives of community sociations Hiram Fong (Alewa Heights): Margaret (Papakoleat: Irwin H. Beadle Maunalani): Mrs.

Leslie Scott (Pacific Heights); and John Ferreira (St. Louis Heights) Music will be provided by Honolulu Rapid Transit Co. musicians. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS SEALED BIDS will be received up to, and publicly opened read aloud at 2:00 P.M.. July 20, 1950.

at the office of the Clerk of the and Coun- ty of Honolulu, for: JOB NO. 14-50 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 16 KAHALA SEWERAGE DISTRICT SECTION 11 HONOLULU, OAHU, T. H. The work, will consist of approximately 7,320 lineal feet of sewer pipe, 30 manholes, and all necessary appurtenant work therto. Drawings, specifications and forms of contract documents may be obtained from the said Clerk, upon deposit of legal tender or certified check for equal) for TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS Proposals for the above work shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for Job No.


June 28. 30, July 3, 5, 7, 1950) FIRST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE Estate of WILLIAM HENRY GEORGE, Deceased P. No. 15923 Final Account of HIRAM L. FONG, Executor.

and Petition for allowance of same, determination of devisees entitled to real estate and distribution of the estate having been filed, all persons interested are notified thatMonday, July 31, 1950 at o'clock P.M.. before the Presiding Judge, in Probate, in his Courtroom, Judiciary Building, Honolulu, T. is hearing appointed the time and place for the said Petition. Dated: Honolulu, T. H.

June 26, 1950. BY THE COURT WILLIAM C. ING CLERK. (Hon. Adv.

June 28: July 5, 12, 19, 1950) FIRST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE Estate of CHRISTIAN STEVEN SCHWITZ, Deceased P. No. 15995. Final Account of GAVRIL ALFRED SWITZ. Administrator, and Petition for allowance of same, determination of heirs entitled to real estate and bution of the estate having been filed.

all persons interested are notified thatMonday, July 31. 1950 at 2 o'clock P.M.. before the Presiding Judge, in Probate, in his Courtroom, Judiciary Building. Honolulu, T. is appointed the time and place for the hearing of said Petition.

Dated: Honolulu, T. June 26, 1950. BY THE COURT WILLIAM C. ING CLERK. (Hon.

Adv. June 28; July 5, 12, 19, 1950) FIRST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE Estate of CLAUDINA COSTA PIMENTEL. Deceased P. No. 15854 Final Account of BISHOP TRUST COMPANY.

LIMITED, Executor. and Petition for allowance same, determination of devisees entitled to real es. tate and distribution of the estate having been filed, all persons interested are notified thatMonday, July 31, 1950 at 2 o'clock P.M., before the Presiding Judge, in Probate, in his Courtroom, Judiciary Building, Honolulu, T. is appointed the time and place for the hearing of said Petition. Dated: Honolulu, T.

June 26, 1950. BY THE COURT WILLIAM C. ING CLERK. (Hon. Adv.

June 28; July 5, 12, 19, 1950) NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF TONG HONG. ALSO KNOWN AS HONG TONG, Deceased, PROBATE NO. 16223. All creditors of the above named decedent, and all creditors of the commu. nity of which the said decedent was a member, are hereby notified to present their claims, with proper vouchers or duly authenticated copies thereof, even if the claim is secured by mortgage upon real estate, to the undersigned at Rooms 410-411.

National Building, Hotel and Bethel Streets, Honolulu, Hawaii. within four (4) months from the date of first publication, or they will be for. ever barred. WILLIAM ACHONG TONG, Executor KOBAYASHI MATSUMURA 410-411 National Building Hotel and Bethel Streets Honolulu, Hawaii Attorneys for Executor. (Hon.

Adv. June 28; July 5, 12, 19, 1950) NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF JAMES THOMAS BARRETT. DECEASED. Probate No. 16227.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons having claims against the Es. tate of James Thomas Barrett, deceased, to present the same with vouchers. if any exist. and even though secured by mortgage, to the undersigned Executor of his estate, at the office of Pratt. Tavares Cassidy, 404 Alexander Baldwin Building, Honolulu, T.

H. within four (4) months of the date hereof, or the same will be forever barred. DATED: Honolulu, T. June 26, 1950. C.

NILS TAVARES Executor of the Estate of James Thomas Barrett, Deceased. (Hon. Adv. June 28; July 5, 12, 19, 1950) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS WILL BE received up to and opened at 2:00 July 14. 1950 in the office of the City and County Clerk, Honolulu Hale, Honolulu, for the furnishing and caving for all materials, tools.

equipment and labor necessary to construct complete in place the CLASSROOM BUILDING for the KALOALOA SCHOOL, Damon Tract Honolulu. Oahu. T. H. Plans.

specifications, forms of proposal, bond and contract may be obtained udon apolication and deposit of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in cash or certitied check. BY ATHORITY OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (S) LEON K. STERLING, SR. City and County Clerk (Hon. Adv.

June 23, 26, 26, 30; July 3, 1950) SECOND SECTION TO PERFORM IN AIR SHOW- This veteran of the former Pacifie theater of operations will be at the controls of a Boeing Stearman demonstrating aerobatics at the Civil Air Patrol air show July at Hickam air force base. He is Purcell Claunch, instructor at Island Aviation. (CAP photo.) Hanauma Bay Road Blocked The entrance of the road to Hanauma bay beach park will be closed, beginning today, through July, Theodore F. Nobriga, assistant superintendent of parks, has announced. BLOCKING off of the road is necessary to prevent further damage to a system of ground lights which are being installed, The light fixtures are being installed on the ground, in the curbing in order to avoid glaring overhead lights, Nobriga explained.

Until final work on these fixtures is completed, there is too muen damage being done by vehicular traffic. Therefore the entrance on Kamehameha, highway is closed THE COOPERATION of the public observing the road block land in making use of other city and county beach parks while Handuma is closed for this reconstruction work, is asked. Summer Camp For Handicapped Children to Open children wishing to attend summer camp may register for the one opening July 5 at Ala Moana park, sponsored by the Hawaii chapter, National Society for Crippled Children Adults, Inc. IT WILL OFFER therapeutic treatment as prescribed by the children's physicians and craftwork, field trips, games, movies, beach activities, and general camping fun. The camp will be held Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.

to 3 p.m. through Aug. 4. Co-directors will be Mrs. Mildred C.

Honnaka and Edmund T. Vasconcellos, ASSISTING will be Mrs. Joyce B. Fritsch, registered physical therapist, and Miss Grace Siu. registered occupational therapist, Hawaii NSCCA staff members.

Are Funny' Here Friday Night Considered one of radio's most popular shows, "People Are Funny," starring the nibble-witted master of ceremonies from Hollywood, Art Linkletter, will come Vacation Church School at Lahaina Completes Course By ALBERT Y. NOBU Special to The Advertiser LAHAINA, Maui, June 27- The vacation church school of the Lahaina Methodist church closed with a program of demonstrations and exhibits Thursday evening. More than 100 pupils attended the daily two-week session of Bible study, worship, music, singgames, recreation, handinstr and craftwork. Department heads were: Susan Lintao, beginners; Mrs. Paul Mekkelson, primaries; Rev.

Paul Mekkelson, juniors; the Rev. B. T. Makapagal, intermediates. Teachers assisting were Jean Haruguchi, Mildred Haruguchi, Braulio Makapagal, Gladys Nakamura, Alwine Hi.

raoka, Helen Takayama, Tsugio Suzuki and Mrs. M. Hilo Himeno. CHARLES K. APO has resumed his job at the Lahaina Light and Power following a two-week vacation on the Big Island with Mrs.

Apo and children, Charles and Charleen. Apo was one of the eight delegates from the West Maui Lions club to the Lions convention of District 50 in Hilo, June 8 to 10. LEAVING SUNDAY for Hono- lulu to attend the summer session of the University of Hawail were Thelma Ichiki, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shigeru Ichiki; Lily Imamoto, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Barney I. Imamoto, and Ruth Kato, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haruo Kato.

CHURCH SCHOOL instructors of Lahaina Methodist church and former instructors home for the vacation were guests at a hekka dinner at the Mission Home Wednesday evening. Present were the Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mekkelson, the Rev. M.

Hilo Himeno, Miss Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Tsuda, Terry Kajihara, Helen Takayama, Mary Nakaoka, Gladys Nakamura, Alwine Hiraoka, Joan da, Harriet Sakai, Alberta Nobil and David Harada. to the Civic Auditorium Friday night, sponsored by Aloha Temple.

Contestants to be used in the two-hour, fun-packed show will be selected from the audience by Linkletter, during the or "warmup" period. Choose the one you love the best! Kellogg's Kellogg's Kellogg's CORN SHREDDED WHEAT FLAKES RICE SOYA 10 Packages I KRISPIES 7 Kellogg's 7 FAVORITE CEREALS, 10 generous servings in Kellogg's VARIETY Package. The cream of the cereal crop in wheat, rice, corn, soya. Flaked, shredded or popped. Crisp.

KELLOGG-FRESH! Kellogg's MOTHER KNOWS A BEST! Includes Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Pep, Rice Krispies, Corn Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, Krumbles..

Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


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The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is the largest daily newspaper in Hawaii, formed in 2010 with the merger of The Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin after the acquisition of the former by Black Press, which already owned the latter.

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500 Ala Moana Blvd. #7-500, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.

What makes Honolulu so special? ›

As the capital city of Hawaii, it houses important institutions, and historical sites like Pearl Harbor, and offers access to iconic attractions such as Waikiki Beach, making it a cultural, historical, and tourist hub in the Pacific.

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HONOLULU (KHON2) — Carpenter Media Group announced that its acquisition of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser's owners Black Press Media has been completed on Friday, March 22.

Where is the stars office located? ›

The S.T.A.R.S. office was an area of the Raccoon Police Station featured in Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 2 remake, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and the Resident Evil 3 remake. It was the main headquarters of the S.T.A.R.S. tactical team.

Where is the Daily Star newspaper located? ›

The Daily Star, based in Oneonta, NY is a daily morning newspaper that circulates in a four-county area in central New York state. It publishes Tuesday through Saturday in print, and daily.

Where do the rich live in Honolulu? ›

For high-end investments in Honolulu, the neighborhoods of Ko Olina and Kahala stand out. Ko Olina is known for its luxurious, resort-like atmosphere, while Kahala is famed for its refined, upscale homes and beachfront properties.

What is the nickname of Honolulu? ›

Honolulu, Hawaii, is sometimes called the “Big Pineapple” because of Hawaii's role in the pineapple-growing industry. The “Big Pineapple” nickname followed the 1970s popularization of New York City's nickname, the “Big Apple.”

Why is it so expensive to live in Honolulu? ›

Hawaii's property values are high because of the state's shortage of housing. Fewer homes in the face of strong demand means Hawaii has the nation's highest median home prices — and also some of the highest rental rates for renters.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.